So what happens in this kind of situation?

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the article says the officer was shot by another officer, not the home owner.

"Early investigation indicates that the injured officer was likely shot (accidentally) by one of the other officers on the scene," the GBI report says.
On another forum, I guessed that the cop shot the dog, then the owner shot the cop. Somebody else said he thought the cop shot the owner and the other cop trying to shoot the dog. Seems like that's what happened, or some variation thereof.

I also predicted that the victim would be blamed, which he of course was.

The odds are the justifications offered will make "Doctor Who" look like a documentary in terms of sheer flights of fancy.

Doubtless the victim will be roundly condemned for suing the police and the city.
What happens? Large cash settlement and then much hoping that the story fades from view as quickly as possible.
Large cash settlement and then much hoping that the story fades from view as quickly as possible.
And as in the case of the victims whom the LAPD and Torrence PD tried to shoot to pieces during the Dorner debacle, there will be an obscene rush to justify and exonerate the shooter(s) and ensure that they are not criminally prosecuted. Unspecified "administrative punishment" will be mooted but never imposed.
If I were the homeowner, I'd be giving everyone involved an Italian language lesson.

Lesson 1:
Vendetta - A bitter, destructive feud, normally between two families, clans or factions, in which each injury or slaying is revenged: a blood feud.

A few years ago, there was a woman around here who literally dragged a number of her enemies through every legal knothole and tangle of razor wire available in civil law. The ironic thing is that EVERY one of her claims was not just spurious, but delusional. Imagine the harm that one could inflict if you:
  • had actually been seriously wronged.
  • had a great imagination and an even better attorney.
  • had not one iota of mercy.
If I were that homeowner, I'd be in civil court to those cops what Wyatt Earp was to the Clantons.
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A few years ago, there was a woman around here who literally dragged a number of her enemies through every legal knothole and tangle of razor wire available in civil law. The ironic thing is that EVERY one of her claims was not just spurious, but delusional. Imagine the harm that one could inflict if you:

Poster child for why civil courts need to be made a "loser pays" system where the legal bills of the winner becomes a judgement against the loser.
Claiming that these officers entered a private residence where they "thought" a burglary was taking place and shooting a dog and a resident will be a feast for the resident's lawyers. They should make these kind of trials into a weekly reality TV show so all of the people in America who are asleep might wake up to what's happening here.
"If I were that homeowner, I'd be in civil court to those cops what Wyatt Earp was to the Clantons."

I really hope you recognize the irony in that statement.

Poster child for why civil courts need to be made a "loser pays" system where the legal bills of the winner becomes a judgement against the loser.
That's the point. She made a number of people's lives a hell on earth for NO good reason, and with nothing even resembling a cause of action.

Imagine what the victim could do to the cops who shot him and killed his dog with a good case and half the relentlessness.
Wally wrote..."Poster child for why civil courts need to be made a "loser pays" system where the legal bills of the winner becomes a judgement against the loser."

And also why situations such as this should be exempted or partially exempted from bankruptcy. Far too often someone is seriously wronged, wins a legal battle, spends boucoup money in the process only to be notified that the person who they expect their money from filed bankruptcy and now they still get to take one on the chin. We also need serious tort reform so that people do not file frivolous lawsuits for huge amounts of money.
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