So what would happen if another assault weapon ban was enacted?

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2RCO, who ever said anything about armed resistance?
I mean, it was mentioned, but I don't think anyone was going "let's storm the Pentagon!".

Spoken like a true teenager.

Let the backpedaling begin...

And try to bear in mind that we learn more from people's actions than from their words(online or otherwise).

If you want people to believe your words, you should "speak" with your actions.
Spoken like a true teenager.

Let the backpedaling begin...

And try to bear in mind that we learn more from people's actions than from their words(online or otherwise).

If you want people to believe your words, you should "speak" with your actions.
Yokel, you are really pushing for a non-High Road reaction.
I will remain being civil.
I have often advised against the use of force. Do not patronize me. Ever.
There are times when force would be justified. Those times, unfortunately, may not be far off.
But they have not yet come.
Do not patronize me as a teenager, Yokel. I am more of an adult than you have shown yourself to be in this thread. As for speaking with my actions, you have no idea what I am doing. You assume I am doing nothing. How do you know what I have and haven't done? You know nothing.
Shut up, Yokel. Before you get yourself banned.
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