some interesting reading

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Dec 24, 2002
sowest pa.
For those who might be interested, see the following in 10 March edition of The New Gun Week.

From page 2, article headlined Illinois Congressman Wants To Ban S & W .500 Magnum. "You don't go out hunting deer with a revolver" said Chicago area Congressman Danny Davis. Seems like nobody on his staff bothered to inform him of Illinois hunting regulations.

A page 12 article headlined FBI Watching Gun Owners But Blocking Terror Probes is, histrionics aside, a most serious accusation, one that The Congress needs to look into, RDM (Right Damned Now). That someone herewith involved, is plainly lying is all to obvious. Might it be the author of the Gun Week article, Bob Lesmeister, named FBI agents Robert Wright and John Vincent or perhaps once again, the government, the FBI being a part thereof. Whichever it is, the people need to find out. If our congress critters cannot be looked to re such matters, what might it possibly be that we are paying them to do?

A page 7 article headlined Chicago Outdoor Columnist May Have Revealed Elitism, raises some very interesting questions. It also provides an e-mail address for the columnist, one Dale Bowman.

Of course, there are all manner of other interesting items, not the least of which might be a page 6 article headlined One 9th Circuit Panel's Decision Rebuffed By Another, from which one might choose. The items I mentioned are merely those that sort of grabbed my attention.
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