Some observations on children and firearm injuries

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Dec 27, 2002
Del City, Okla
First I would like to state my credentials, lest someone think me to be a nut on a rant. I have been a PICU nurse for 3 years, mostly at the Children's Hospital in OKC. We are the only true PICU in Oklahoma, and we are on the same campus, and under the came hospital system as the only level 1 trauma center in the state. I've also done time in Ft Worth, Texas at Cook Children's hospital, also a high volume unit. The 9 months I've spent out of the PICU were spent in the ER of Gainesville Memorial Hospital. So while I'm not Dr. Spock, I have some knowledge of the subject.
I continue to hear reports and read studies, even in highly regarded medical journals, that firearms are a major cause of childhood injury and death. And yet in my 3+ years, I have seen only 3 firearm related injuries in the pediatric population. That's less than one per year if my math is correct. One was a 10 y/o who shot himself in the eye with a pellet gun, sending the pellet thru the nasal sinus and into the skull. One was a 12 y/o shot by his friend who had an "unloaded" 22 rifle. The other was a toddler shot by his father while showing a friend how to tell if a gun was loaded or not. Now I have no doubt that I don't see every gunshot in the state, but I'd be willing to bet I see a large percentage of them. Now I did leave out two GSW's, both were teen gangbangers that I don't count as pediatric injuries. But that's the rub now ain't it? The anti's depend on those very punks to keep their numbers up.
So where are all the pediatric GSW's? Are Okies just that much more careful with their guns than the rest of the country? Maybe it's our low number of guns per capita?
I'll tell you what I do get. I keep sending little packages to the morgue that wandered into the pool while no one was looking. And yet there is no background check to buy a pool. I've cleaned the faces of dozens of bodies, thrown from cars because someone couldn't be bothered with strapping them in. And yet the fine for transporting a child without proper restraint in Oklahoma is $25. That's less than the price on a good car seat. Look around you as you drive to work, I promise you'll spot at least one parent willing to take the risk. I won't even get into the cases of neglect and abuse that can only be explained by the very real presence of evil. And yet there are no bills up in congress to protect these children. Why won't a million moms march for these victims? Does Sara Brady only care about a dead child if it died from a bullet?
Sorry, my long rant is over. Kinda out of character. Maybe it's just been a bad week, maybe I'm burning out, but damn people this craziness has to end somewhere.:(
I expect that your conclusion about what you observe is quite correct.

This is just another example of children being used to further a political agenda.
According to the CDC:

Gun accidents account for 1.4% of all accidental deaths in children.
Seven times more children die in suffocation accidents than gun accidents.
Eight times more children die in drowning accidents than gun accidents.
Forty times more children die in car accidents than in gun acidents.

A murdered "child" is killed by a gun only 46% of the time.

2001, United States
Unintentional Injury and Adverse Effects Deaths and Rates per 100,000
All Races, Both Sexes, Ages 0 to 17
8739 deaths

2001, United States
Unintentional Suffocation Deaths and Rates per 100,000
All Races, Both Sexes, Ages 0 to 17
903 deaths

2001, United States
Homicide/Legal Intervention Injury Deaths and Rates per 100,000
All Races, Both Sexes, Ages 0 to 17
1815 deaths

2001, United States
Firearm Deaths and Rates per 100,000
All Races, Both Sexes, Ages 0 to 17
1433 deaths
(125 accidents
835 homicide
451 suicide
8 undetermined
6 "Legal Intervention" [injuries inflicted by the police])

2001, United States
Drowning Deaths and Rates per 100,000
All Races, Both Sexes, Ages 0 to 17
1105 deaths
(1037 accidental
39 homicide
7 suicide
22 undetermined)
2001, United States
Overall Motor Vehicle Deaths and Rates per 100,000
All Races, Both Sexes, Ages 0 to 17
4930 deaths
And consider that Mpayne's stats consider a "child" to be anyone from 0-17. They are low as it is but, if you take out all the 13-16 year old gang members/petty criminals/not-so petty criminals i wonder how they would look?

I am also an ER nurse. Well, I am actually in the critical care float pool, but I spend a fair amount of time in the ED at a large, inner-city hospital in Minneapolis, MN. I often see GSW's that are the result of stupidity and they probably include the 13-22 year olds I see in with the "children" and "accidents" for the statistics despite the fact that all to often there is nothing accidental at all about the GSW, it is a byproduct of a sick urban crime culture.
I agree with you. I personally worked in the main OR. Most often I saw the results of MVAs on children.
Most kids went to the Childrens hospital if could. ( You know how Med flights, crowding...etc dictates emergencies).

My ex was a nurse in the Children's Hospital as a matter of fact. She dealt with Prog. Rehab and Neuro mostly. "Children" were most often sent to her hospital. Especially burns,ACH has one of the best burn facilities around,patients sent from neighboring states... so experiences mirror what shared, MVAs, burns, drownings...and ages didn't stop at 17.

We both ,as I'm sure you have, experienced too many of the child abuse cases, that didn't make it...
I have been a PICU nurse for 3 years, mostly at the Children's Hospital in OKC. We are the only true PICU in Oklahoma, and we are on the same campus, and under the came hospital system as the only level 1 trauma center in the state. I've also done time in Ft Worth, Texas at Cook Children's hospital, also a high volume unit. The 9 months I've spent out of the PICU were spent in the ER of Gainesville Memorial Hospital. So while I'm not Dr. Spock, I have some knowledge of the subject.
You are a saint. Thank God for people like you! :)
Why won't a million moms march for these victims? Does Sara Brady only care about a dead child if it died from a bullet?
I think a good part of the million mommies do honestly care about children. Unfortunately, the big names pushing gun control only care about their political agendas, and those moms who do honestly care are being sucked in and manipulated by said political career moves. The solution?

Educate, educate, educate.
I'm hardly a saint

just ask anyone who knows me. I'm a guy who has a job that he loves, that makes him feel like he's doing something special every single day. In that I am blessed. For every horrible story I have about a kid who didn't make it, I have another about a kid who get's to spend another christmas with his family because of something the wonderful group, that I'm lucky enough to be a part of, has done. Life is too short to be stuck at a job you don't love, and I love mine more than, dare I say it, guns.
Thank you for your observations. They hit home.

Why won't a million moms march for these victims? Does Sara Brady only care about a dead child if it died from a bullet?

The leftist extremists care nothing about dead and injured children. Their only goal is to disarm every last law-abiding American citizen. They use children's deaths and injuries only to further their cause.

Leftists are moral and intellectual parasites.
The other was a toddler shot by his father while showing a friend how to tell if a gun was loaded or not.

There are precious few things that could get me to give up my guns, but if I did something like that, I would seriously consider it. I hope this child survived, because I know if I killed my own kid doing something stupid that I would have a hard time living.
Just as a warning to all, and I hope no one on this board needs it, no, that toddler didn't make it. I felt terrible for the family, but that does nothing to change the fact that the father was completely responsible for the death of that child. I have been at the bedside of way too many dying children, and with the exception of heart defects, cancer, and other such illness, I can guaranty you that 90% of those deaths were the direct result of parental neglect.
Legislative idea...

$500 fine for a kid loose in a car.

But the fine is waived if the properly chastised parent can show proof of purchase of a car seat.

If there is a second incident, the fine is $1,000, non-negotiable.
1981 - 1998, Maryland
Unintentional Firearm Deaths and Rates per 100,000
All Races, Both Sexes, Ages 0 to 19
ICD-9 Codes: E922

Age Group--# of Deaths-------Population***-----Crude Rate

1981 - 1998, Maryland
Homicide Firearm Deaths and Rates per 100,000
All Races, Both Sexes, Ages 0 to 19
ICD-9 Codes: E965.0-.4

Age Group--# of Deaths-------Population***-----Crude Rate

lets look at that age 15-19
Race__#Deaths__Population***__Crude Rate
Am Indian__4*_____19,547_______20.46*
Okiecruffler, don't apologize for your rant. One, I might add, that is right on target. Holding some of the (#^&%**) inside that makes its way into our lives on a daily basis is not always healthy. Thanks for sharing:)
On the little "safety sheet" that the pediatrician gives you (published by the American Academy of Pediatrics and supported by Pfizer, IIRC), the second most important thing they list for the 2-4 age group is "firearms," and they use very strong language to try to persuade the parent that having guns in the home presents a grave danger to your kids. (In bold type, it also says that "handguns are especially dangerous.") Yet there is not a single mention of pools, despite the fact that TEN TIMES AS MANY CHILDREN UNDER 5 DIE IN POOL ACCIDENTS THAN GUN ACCIDENTS. If you also consider that ten times as many households have firearms as have pools, the actual danger on a per-owning-household basis is that pools are 100 TIMES more dangerous to young children than guns. Yet not a bleat about pools . . .

It's motivated by politics, not safety.
Peds folks are possibly the best in the medical profession and you've just helped to reinforce that fact.

Protecting children from real hazards is what every reasonable person should be interested in. Unfortunately some consider any excuse to attain their goals reason enough to use the most insignificant statistic to bolster their cause. This even when it removes interest and resouces from addressing real threats. This seems to be the case when children's safety is used as a reson to restrict/ban firearms.

As you've pointed out many many more children are injured, maimed, and killed from parents not exercising even the most basic safety measures with pools, stairs, travel, household chemicals.
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