Sources for Lead and Beeswax

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Jun 19, 2013
North Carolina, USA
There are two parts to this story - the first is tied to the second.

Soft lead is just about impossible to purchase where I live. Consequentially, I have been buying my soft lead through eBay. I've been buying from a couple of people, one going by "thefatguy123". They exploit the Post Office's Flat Rate shipping by putting ten pounds of lead into a small Flat Rate box. I average paying about $2.25 per pound. Some auctions a little less, some a little more.

When I want beeswax I go to a nearby beekeeper. He sells what he calls "rendered wax" for $4.21 (no tax) per pound. Basically he melts it it a solar oven and runs it through a filter for three cycles. This filters out any debris, yielding nice clean yellow wax. Anyway, this not what this post is about. I recently had a chat with postman and discovered that he is a beekeeper - with 83 hives! He says that he has been accumulating his wax because he didn't know of a reliable conduit to get rid of it.

I reminded the postman about the heavy boxes that he sometimes delivers and told him what eBay lead sellers were doing and I suggested that he do the same thing with his beeswax. He liked the idea and said that he was going to construct a mold that would create wax blocks that exactly fit inside a Medium Flat Rate box and offer them on eBay. I told him to make sure that he marked the auction as good for muzzleloaders as well as the other uses, i.e., candles, etc.

He hasn't yet mentioned that he has posted any sales on eBay but keep an eye out. If he so advises me I'll submit a post here.
Lead Source

Prairie Dawg - thanks I saved the link for when I might need a large supply. However, the quantities are a bit above my usual need. I do some soft lead for muzzleloading and some alloy lead for cartridge reloading. The lead that I have purchased over eBay has all passed the fingernail scratch test. Also, one seller, hostile570, does a Brinell Hardness test and lists his lead as 5 on the scale. So far, all sellers have been honest and I received soft lead.

I'm not a muzzleloader or reloader, but I love the idea of helping solve two problems at once! Great job and I hope he lists his stuff!

Tell him to add soap makers to the list also. Beeswax is used to harden bars of soap.

A suggestion for his molds. Just make a bunch of forms that the boxes fit into. Put an empty box in the mold, put a trash bag in the box, fill the bag/box/mold with wax and set it aside to cool.

LOL ... ten pounds is not exploiting the "if it fits it ships" box. I just got 66 lbs of lead in one of those boxes ... although it was lyman #2 alloy for harder bullets. The guy that delivered it asked "What's in here? Gold bars?" I said .... close .... lead bars.
Exploiting Flat Rate Shipping?

Yeah, ten pounds is not literally exploiting flat rate shipping since "it fits" and the USPS maximum weight for flat rate is 70 pounds, but I suspect that the USPS didn't factor in many such shipments into their business plan, assuming that they even have a business plan. It seems to appear that their plan is to lose money.

The shippers heavily wrap the small flat rate box with clear tape and fill empty space with newspaper so that the box will hold together during handling. There is room in the small flat rate box for more bars but one seller said that he stopped selling shipments heavier than 10 pounds because the boxes would tear up during handling by the USPS.
Yeah, ten pounds is not literally exploiting flat rate shipping since "it fits" and the USPS maximum weight for flat rate is 70 pounds, but I suspect that the USPS didn't factor in many such shipments into their business plan, assuming that they even have a business plan. It seems to appear that their plan is to lose money.

The shippers heavily wrap the small flat rate box with clear tape and fill empty space with newspaper so that the box will hold together during handling. There is room in the small flat rate box for more bars but one seller said that he stopped selling shipments heavier than 10 pounds because the boxes would tear up during handling by the USPS.
Some people double the boxes, one inside another.
I ordered 50 lbs of high antimony (8%) lead birdshot from Rotometals and it came in a flat rate box in two #25 sacks.
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