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Oct 29, 2010
Hey guys! It's been a while since I've been here (mainly because when I come here a lot, I get tempted to put my money into my LGS instead of my savings account). But I had a thought the other day, and I feel this is the place to share it.

I've seen a lot of things recently about spiders. My personal feeling on spiders is that if they're on the other side of glass (in a terrarium at the zoo, in a cage in the pet store, outside the window at work, on TV or youtube) they're fine. But if they are in the same room as me I will kill them without hesitation.

I know that spiders are generally better to have around than not, because they eat a lot of pests. They come with a cost - the risk of a spider bite. In most cases (especially where I live), that risk is simply an itchy bump that will go away in a few days. In other cases, it could be medically significant. I realize that I probably fear spiders a bit more than I should, but I'm also not crippled by arachnophobia when I'm around them.

However, I've read plenty of posts online that not only say you shouldn't kill spiders, but they are shocked when people even think it's okay to kill one. I'm not talking about a little house spider in your house, I'm talking about killing a black widow at an elementary school. One that is medically significant in an area where the potential victims of a spider bite are bigger prey. To me, it's a no-brainer to kill the spider. But to an arachnophile, it is incomprehensible.

What does this post have to do with guns? I was thinking about my mild arachnophobia, and I saw a lot of parallels to hoplophobia. I think most people who vote anti-gun treat guns like I do spiders. I realize that spiders can do good things, but they can also be dangerous, especially to kids. I'm fine with spiders as long as there are restrictions on where they can be (with the understanding that I won't keep them all out of my house, but I'll do the best that I can).

Someone who votes anti-gun probably has the same mindset. Guns are dangerous, especially in the hands of the untrained or those with ill intent. Guns are also used by people to defend themselves, by the police to protect us, and by the military to protect our freedom. They are generally okay with guns as an idea, as long as they are not near them. They are generally okay with guns on TV and computer games, but not in person. They are generally okay with the "less dangerous" ones (like revolvers or garden spiders) but not with the "more dangerous" ones (like AR-15s or banana spiders).

I don't really have a point I'm trying to make. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, or make any big revelations to the rest of you. I just thought it was interesting how my thoughts on spiders lined up with what I believe most people who we would consider to be anti-gun think about guns.
It's the same thing as "It's not that I hate guns, it's just that I don't like them".

They are simply uneasy around them, and I think a ton of that comes from not understanding them. I've talked to some people and explained to them that firearms and tools, and that the more you learn about how they work and how they operate, the less "mysterious" and "awe inspiring" they become. They still demand intense respect at all times, but they aren't magic.

PS: Spiders don't really bother me, but if you put me in the same room as one of those flying roaches... I'll turn into a squealing school girl in about 1.5 seconds LOL!
Won't tolerate spiders inside the house. Their bites can last for months...sometimes longer. Oh...and they're creepy, too.
With the exception of black widow and brown recluse spiders, they don't bother me. Occasionally, a little dust/fly ash settles on and highlights a web in an upper corner of a room and I clean it out, usu. w/o seeing the spider.
The most notable times to see spider activity is the mid-to late fall as they try to find someplace warm. Sometimes, they sneak in on the firewood I bring in and don't burn immediately. Those are usu. the little black fuzzy-looking spiders that move in rapid jerks. As they don't bother me, I don't bother them. With no food or water, they don't last long anyway.
In middle Tn. we deal with brown recluse spiders. Little spider...bad bites! The bite is painful and the scar is ugly.

I go through my range bag, gun cases, well, everything. I keep "sticky traps" out because spraying doesn't do much good. Just one more thing to think about every day.

I kill every one I see. I'd send one down range on a bullet if I got the chance!

I think you're right connecting gun aversion to phobias. For some it really is that way.


I feel the same about spiders as I do about scorpions in Arizona...I really, really don't like them! I agree with Hardtarget: you may be on to something with the fear of guns being an overriding factor as to why some people are anti-gun.
I don't mind them at all. Have several that live in the basement happly eating bugs which I hate worse. When I had a club housr by a river there would many, many living under the eves. Sometimes I would put crickets in their web and watch them take them. Once they have several they will not go get anymore. It's like watching a hoisting engineer gather them up. Maybe I'm creppy but they are interesting.
There is nothing wrong with spiders. Most species are totally harmless because their mandibles are way too small to be a threat to humans. Brown recluse spiders are an exception to that.

The small black fuzzy spiders with forward-facing eyes are probably jumping spiders for which there are thousands of species. Their hunting / stalking techniques are something a game hunter would appreciate: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jumping_spider#Hunting. If you are fortunate enough to find one of them in the wild, watch it for a while and you will be fascinated. As frightening as they appear to be, they are completely harmless and will happily crawl around on your hand exploring its landscape: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Phidippus_audax_male.jpg

They have even been known to wear little beads of water on their heads for a "hat". Who couldn't like that?

Like us humans spiders are part of nature and deserve to be respected and appreciated. To kill them indiscriminately is mindless and wasteful.

On the other hand ask me about mosquitoes and ticks. Lyme disease is a crippling illness that if it goes undiagnosed will lead to years of incapacity and eventual death, as the parasite that causes it affects everything in the body from bone to brain. Lyme disease mimics other illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis and even mental disorders. You have my permission to kill those wretched creatures from Hell with extreme prejudice. Unfortunately the most effective defense against ticks in or around one's home are insecticides that are also fatal to arachnids.

But little jumping spiders? Heck, I'd keep them as pets. They're cute and cuddly.
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As Jim Stafford sang, "I like spiders and snakes..." And guns, too.

My wife hates spiders, so I have to relocate them every so often. And once in a while a garter snake in the yard. Fortunately, she lets me keep he guns! :D
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