SQOTD Stupid Question Of The Day

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Mar 16, 2007
Today's Stupid Question Of The Day.

I live in California. My car is in the shop and the indoor range is down the street. To far to walk but not to far to ride my bike. How do I legally get my gun to the range on my bicycle? Is it even possible to transport a gun unloaded locked in a case not in the trunk of a car? What if I didn't own a car at all, isn't it discriminatory NOT to allow me with my only mode of transportation to legally get to the range? How about the bus? I don't think it's legal to transport a handgun on public transit?

What ara the options to transport if you don't have a car?
Look it up in the Constitution. Its near the end, commonly called the Second Amendment.

Well, if you could walk to the range from wherever you park, I don't see a problem crossing the same distance on a bicycle, or in a wheel chair, or on a motorbike for that matter.

stupid question

what is stupid, is that the laws are so screwed up that you have to ask that question. And it is a valid question. Surely carrying a pistol in a case unloaded and seperate from the ammo doesn't qualify as "carrying"!?! How is one to purchase a gun and then legally walk to their car? Or carry it to and fro between car, range, woods, and home. Me no understando?
I think that you can't do it then. But if someone knows better, please enlighten me.
Make sure its in a locked case and see if you have a way to lock the case of ammo. However I would not quote me on this. But most cops I have met here in the DPRK are ok here in SD but I am not sure about the rest of the state. BTW where do you live? Also if you can try and get a friend to transport you.
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