Story about a man and his taser...

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Reminds me of Christmas at my folks house this past year. My dad has an old 50 cap blasting machine sitting in his den, it's been there for years... One of my buddies had stopped by for the Christmas eve festivities, and we decided to "see if it still works." (OK, I knew it did, but I can be a bit of an a##) Long story short, he volunteered to grab the terminals at which point I could barely control my laughter. But the coup de gras was when I told him to lick his fingers and he sure as heck did. Needless to say festivities ensued!;) BTW, if you ever go to Steris in NE Ohio and hear the phrase, "Lick your fingers first!" That is where it originated:D
I've been zapped by a hand-held stun gun as well. It is very, very uncomfortable but wouldn't stop me if I had skull-splitting intentions. ...never been zapped by a Taser though...
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I'll tell ya what Lawson, by the time I was able to function again, my hair had dried and it was pretty much waxed straight back, making me appear as if I was going 90 mph on my scoot while I was standing still. :uhoh:
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