Surgical Speed Shooting - Las Vegas - February 7-8

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Jim Mayhugh

Jan 17, 2003
I took andy's class recently and what an eye opener! I've been trained in the gunsite/cooper (all praise his name) philosophy of the weaver stance. Andy takes a scientific approach to the whole process of drawing and shooting a gun quickly and accurately. He'll have you shooting in ways you've never tried or thought of and will cause you to question many things that you've probably been told was the only way to shoot.

Go into this class with an open mind and he'll definately show you some stuff to make you go "Hmmm" and make you a better shooter no matter what your current level.

Highly recommended.

The class is a definite go, and there are still a few openings left.

This class is the weekend before the S.H.O.T. Show in Las Vegas, so if you're coming out for the show, come out a few days early, and get some quality instruction.
Folks, you really should take this class. Andy is as good at teaching pistol as there is today.

IF you can't get to his class, be sure to get his most recent book, Surgical Speed Shooting.
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