Suspect accused of raping/burying 8-year-old in US illegally!!!

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Dec 26, 2002
Anderson, SC
:fire: :fire: :fire:

Suspect In Rape, Burying Alive Of Child Is In U.S. Illegally

POSTED: 7:48 am EDT May 27, 2005

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -- Officials said the Florida teenager charged with raping an 8-year old girl and leaving her for dead is in the United States illegally.

Milagro Cunningham, 17, is a Bahamian native. Authorities said he escaped the notice of immigration authorities after three burglary arrests last year because his cases were handled in the juvenile justice system.

The U.S. Border Patrol chief in West Palm Beach said if Cunningham had been booked into the main jail, he would have been noticed. An immigration spokeswoman says Cunningham arrived in 2003 on a visitor's visa from the Bahamas and overstayed the short-term limit.

The girl spent about seven hours Sunday buried under debris in a trash bin after being kidnapped from her godmother's apartment.
Authorities said he escaped the notice of immigration authorities after three burglary arrests last year because his cases were handled in the juvenile justice system.

One more child has been scarred for life because the so-called "criminal justice system" turns a blind eye to the cancer of illegal aliens.
We have the law in place. The politicians have restricted ICE and Border Patrol from doing much "interior enforcement". We have to demand that politicians let DHS do the job that we pay for!!! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Haven't we got enough homegrown sociopaths? Why do we need to import them? Oh, yeah, they just come here to work. :rolleyes:
what's even more disturbing is the way we deal with juevnile offenders like that-
you can do horrible stuff at 16 and then at 18 you got no record.

im not into always charging minors as adults, but the records should stick.
haven't any of you ever had friends who wanted to
"do this before they turned 18?"

pretty screwy how some folks want to do stuff like steal before they can get in real trouble, stupid stuff like that
George Bush should grant him amnesty and give him a green card because we all know that illegal aliens are harmless, and only want to work hard for little pay.
Would you feel any better had the girl been raped and killed by a U.S. citizen?

I'm not in favor of breaking our immigration laws, but I'll no more take this one sample as characteristic of all illegal aliens anymore than I'll take one CCW'er going nuts as representative of us all.

Or should we simply no longer issue visitor permits? Or send out the border police to find anyone who hasn't checked out of the country by the time their permit expires?
Or send out the border police to find anyone who hasn't checked out of the country by the time their permit expires?
THAT would a darn fine place to start, rather than turning a blind eye. IIRC, some of the 9-11 highjackers had expired visas. Think it might have put a crimp in their plans if they'd been picked up and deported?

We are going top have a certain amount of scum from our own country but do we have to just let anyone in? The administration is intent on the borders being wide open, so a lot of this anger is residual from the fact that we are already burdened by foreigners coming here illegally.
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