Tacoma considers update of weapons law to include swords

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But the First Amendment protects their right to sell any level of porn (short of obscenity) and those offended are told to "shop elsewhere."
So you would support the showowners who might want to put their porn out in a far less hidden location in the store despite the pleas from groups to think of the children?

I would, but this seems like an issue that several people here might be a bit biased against.
The most dangerous thing in Tacoma was the Chief of Police. Until he shot his wife and himself. Maybe they need a ban on dangerous weapons in the hands of city officials.
Soybomb, my point was that it is public pressure, not laws, that make shop owners put porn behind the counter or covered (at least in Western Washington).

If Ms Soccermom is upset by the sword display, she could simply speak to the manager. If that doesn't help, buy your gum elsewhere. That's how we handle it here in Ohio when a shop owner displays one of thse dangerous and offensive "No Guns" signs right out in the open by the door.

How do people with a brain this damaged manage to generate enough cerebral wattage to push air in and out of their lungs???
A question as old as time.
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So you would support the showowners who might want to put their porn out in a far less hidden location in the store despite the pleas from groups to think of the children?

Porn magazines are not hidden in Tacoma. They are sold on the rack next to sports illustrated, that is if the shop actually bothers to carry SI.
Sounds like the cousin to the elementary school teacher (an earlier THR thread) who wants her pupils to spell gun, gux, because she does not want anything about firearms in her class.
Blissninny jackasses!

Hoplophobia at it's best. Oh, well the weapons scare me. They might just jump up and bite!

Those idiots should move to China or Britain. They'd probably have more in common with them than with real Americans.
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