Tactical Response The Fight Force on Force AAR

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Jan 6, 2004
Denver, CO
For more reviews & pictures visit GOTX

The Fight

This one will be a lot shorter so I don’t give away any of the scenarios, but if you’re still suffering from some sort of ADD:

TAKE THIS CLASS! This is one of the best learning experiences I've ever had. 20 potential gunfights in 2 days makes for one hell of a learning curve.

As a little bit of background all of my Force on Force training has been with SouthNarc in his ECQC classes. Because of the nature of the class I can’t go into much detail without ruining the experience for someone who hasn’t taken it. The Fight is not really about shooting ability or tactics. It is about Mindset, decision making & stress inoculation. While the ability to make good hits & use good tactics will help, the ability to use your brain is what will get you through this class. The scenarios were well thought out & pushed all of us to make decisions under stress & threat of welting that we wouldn’t have to make except in the most dire of circumstances. You’ll have to assess your line in the sand, decision making abilities & who/what you’re willing to risk getting shot over. Some of the scenarios had definite correct answers but most were intentionally vague & unfolded based on our responses to the actors. Confusion is a constant threat. There were a few situations where I wasn’t sure what was unfolding & by the time it was clear I was out of options. Both days were pretty busy with 22 scenarios over the course of 2 days. It would be very interesting to run the scenarios with a spouse &/or kid(s) to see how you respond with them present & how they help or hinder your situation.

A few hints on taking the class: Run the scenarios like you would your day to day interactions. You don’t walk around expecting someone to pop out & shoot from around every corner. Learn from each scenario & move on. Some you’ll ace & some you’ll fail miserably. You’ll have more of the latter but those are the ones you learn from. Respond realistically to your attacker(s). Note how your attacker responds to your movement, what you’re saying, etc. This could show you a potential opening to exploit or a tactic that’s best avoided. Some people seemed to get frustrated with the rules of the scenarios or some of the scenarios themselves because they didn’t apply to the lives those people have. Just realize that it’s one more shot at stress inoculation & just because your current situation doesn’t fit into a particular scenario doesn’t mean you won’t face that problem at some point in your life. Learn something, file it away & move on.

Lessons Learned: Pie-ing a corner is harder than you think. I thought I was completely behind cover at one point & ended up taking 3 or 4 rounds to my shooting arm. You may be better off with dynamic movement if the bad guy has spotted you rather than heading back behind cover. Situational awareness is key. I got focused on my attacker in a lot of the scenarios & missed what could have been relatively easy escape routes. Your attacker might have a buddy that you don’t see until it’s too late. A gun is a range weapon. You don’t have to close in on someone before you shoot them unless you’re moving to cover or to change the angle of the shot. Take control of the situation. The attacker is dependent on your responses to his actions. You can control the situation with your response to his initial attack.

Things to work on: Controlling confrontations, deciding when to comply & when to fight, decisive action now instead of after a dozen target glances or furtive movements & use of cover are the most obvious.

James, Brian, Anthony & Lee, thank you very much for a very humbling & Mindset-altering experience. This class has my head running at least as much as my first time through ECQC & I’m sure my ability to perform under stress will see another huge step forward because of it.

This class will help you save a life. I used to tell people that if I could only take one class in a year it would be ECQC. Now it’s either ECQC or The Fight.
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