Texas legal issues about property

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May 27, 2003
After all of this looting going on, I was wonder what exactly the laws are in Texas pertaining to the use of deadly force in the defense of property. I am new to Texas and I am unsure of the legality. Thanks
I'll put it this way.... Texas is one of the LAST states you want to get caught being naughty on or with someone's property after dark. As far as criminal law goes, it gets real lenient for property owners to defend their stuff, especially after dark.
In Texas looting is concidered to be felony theft. You are allowed to use deadly force to prevent and/or stop a felony in progress. :evil:

Livin in Texas
Airboss, (who wasn't a lawyer, and neither am I) described the situation as follows:

In Texas, if your property is surrounded by a fence designed to prevent the movement of livestock, trespassers are fair targets after dark.

Also, if you neighbor asks you to look after his property when he's gone, that also makes trespassers on his property fair game. Now, it's exactly 83 yards from my porch to my neighbors, and he has asked me to look after the place.....
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