THAT Bill Ruger? Say it ain't so!

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I consider the Ruger issue dead for two reasons: 1) Bill Ruger is dead 2) The million dollar donation to the NRA from Ruger

Sturm Ruger & Co has stated at a recent show that even if the assault weapon ban is not reinstituted, they will not manufacture magazines with more than a 10 round capacity. That's their choice, just as long as they don't try to force their choice on everyone else.
"Sturm Ruger & Co has stated at a recent show that even if the assault weapon ban is not reinstituted, they will not manufacture magazines with more than a 10 round capacity. That's their choice, just as long as they don't try to force their choice on everyone else."

That's more than enough reason for me never to buy another Ruger - and to let them know it. They are giving their tacit approval to this reprehensible, totalitarian policy.
I was just talking about Ruger today with friends.

They still are like the duck hunter who looks down on your AR-15. I once contemplated a Mini-14 but explicity buy because of the lack of hi-caps. That they won't even produce legal 10 rounders indicates in the strongest terms that they see guns for "sport" and not as an instrument of the RKBA and defense against tyranny.

Ruger also has explicity kept out of the smaller guns for concealed carry market. Their smallest is the SP101 which is still quite a big heavy gun. They certainly have the capacity to compete with SW, Glock or Kahr on the small, light guns but they don't. That because they just don't really believe in the civilian non sporting market.

Ruger once produced a nice compact 22 LR semi pistol. They didn't produce it because it was too concealable.

The donation was just a payoff to try to get the gun rights nuts off their backs. It's like the Catholic church's selling of indulgences. Same moral value, IMHO.
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