The government doesn't follow its own laws at every level

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Nov 13, 2005
Palm Beach County
What's going on we have king jorge breaking FISA. CHP and national guard taking people's guns then worthless Nagin saying they were never taken. Here in Fl we have a Delray Beach rep. trying to setup up a special district in Martin county so they don't have to follow Martin county zoning laws and here in West Palm Beach the mayor wants to build a 20 story monster on the waterfront when only a couple of years ago the people passed a referendum capping waterfront development at 5 stories.

What is this garbage?
Welcome to the diaspora. :uhoh:

Recommended reading:
Snow Crash
The Diamond Age

Both by Neal Stephenson
Y'know, silliness like "King Jorge" and "Hillabeast" just plain makes it hard to take any point that follows it seriously.
You point to what I consider to be the most significant and unrealized problem out society faces. That being institutionalized lawlessness. The problem is government at all levels feels it can simply ignore the laws it has written. Those well connected to the law writers or law enforcers are not compelled to obey law. Those who ignore the law are either part of the law system or are financially connected to the law system. It remains for the Great Fed-Up to obey the law. I have no doubt as to the consequences should the Great Fed-Up decide to simply ignore the law. Trouble is on the horizon.
Don't leave out the Boca Raton police chief that resigned after the union spread the word that he had ordered his men to release a drunken driver that had also resisted arrest...

People in positions of authority abusing those positions... this is new?
The government doesn't follow its own laws at every level

News Flash!
Scientists speculate sun rises in morning, sets in evening; yellow lab puppies rumored irresistibly cute; apple pie discovered to be "darn good" with vanilla ice cream; badly decomposed female corpse washes up on Chappaquiddick Island beach clutching Oldsmobile keys bearing the initials T.K. on the fob... story at 11:00.:cool:
“Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes the law-breaker, it breeds contempt for laws. It invites every man to become a law unto himself. The lawless government invites anarchy, to declare that in the administration of the criminal law, the end justifies the means; to declare that the government may commit crimes in order to secure the conviction of a private criminal would bring terrible retribution.”

–Justice Brandeis
This is a pet peeve of mine - often, government employees/agencies are required by law to take certain action, or perhaps refrain from taking certain action, but it's exceedingly rare that penalties are imposed for other than the most egregious (and public!) violations of the law.

Often the law fails to provide for any penalties whatsoever.

Note that Congress has explicitly exempted itself from many of the laws they demand both individuals and businesses follow. :cuss: :barf:
exceedingly rare that penalties are imposed


Could you imagine if you or I "accidentally" removed classified documents (even copies) and "accidentally" destroyed them? Show trial? Federal prison? Anyone?... Bueller...?

Just one of many blatant examples of the hypocrisy of the political elite.
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