The Hillary dilemma..

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Dec 22, 2002
Houston, Texas
First, for fear of moderator lock due to profanity, I will just say that the "attempted" assassination of the Taiwanese president was :barf: so full of holes that it smelled of a rigged and faked assassination attempt and thus a semi-rigged election.

The equivalent of the Democrats here in Taiwan won by a smig, and it's horrid.. (I guess you never appreciate the bad until you've seen the worse...)

That said, I see it as a clear road 4 years from now for Taipei's Mayor Ma to be the next president. He's popular like no politician in history of Taiwan..

Seeing that; I see the same reflection of the situation in the states..

If Bush wins, then Billary Klinton will definitely run in 2008; and if the economy is up; people tend to vote for stupidity when the economy is up...

But if Bush doesn't win, while that holds the Billary at bay, we would get Kerry for 4 years...

The Repubs have nobody really attractive they can run in 2008...that I can think of, short of Condi' Rice. She'd win over Billary. That's about the only one I'd see giving Billary a run for her money...

Anybody see it otherwise?
You're overestimating Hitlary's support,which as far as I can see is weak. She has a wooden, cold persona that most American women won't find appealing. I think the Republicans could run Elizabeth Dole and mop the floor with Hildabeast Klintoon. Sorry, I don't see the Prez and Veep of Taiwan agreeing to take a spray of rounds to boost popularity :scrutiny:. NO way.

Look, some of the rounds passed through auto glass first. When a bullet hits glass, it's trajectory is impossible to pin down after that point!

Would YOU risk that? :scrutiny:

Noooo way. Uhuh. These two have led the country reasonably well for four years, they're not psychos.

Now granted, if China was behind the attempt, it would have been a LOT more pro. This looks to me more like a nutcase or amateur supporter of the other side at worst.

But arranged by the shootees? :scrutiny: Nope. I don't think so.
If Kerry wins in 2004 hillary will have to wait untill at least 2012. She can't run against a Democrat incumbant. She will have to wait untill Kerry terms out or is defeated by a republican in '08. Why do you think she isnt supporting any Democrats in this race? She knows that by 2012 noone is even going to remember her name.

If Bush wins she can run in 2008. That is much more attractive for her and she stands a much better chance since she wont be running against an incumbant. The repubs are going to have a hard time coming up with someone to beat her.
Maybe someone can talk Colin Powell and Condi Rice into running in 08. Whereas I don't agree with Powell's stance on some issues, I'd sooner see those two in office than our former first lady or Kerry.

In fact, that'd be a pretty strong ticket in a number of ways. And it's time this nation had a good black leader or two to actually look up to instead of make fun of.

Too bad neither are politicians. Wait a minute. Maybe that's what this country needs. A non-professional politician in office. Honest to goodness leaders.

The fear of Powell running in 96 did send Bill and Hillary into high pucker factor mode tho'. Powell and his wife said no, so we ended up with Bob Dole.

Naaahhh. Never happen.
Hitlery's ambitions underestimated, potentially nefarious

Who will be Kerry's running mate for VP? Hitlery? Is she
willing to wait until 2012 to make a run for the White House?
She realizes national popularity is not her forte, at least
it is not enough to win her the White House. Knowing her
penchant for underhanded scheming, she would be willing
to join Kerry as his running mate if it would provide her
with a backdoor path to the White House: Kerry dies
during office in what amounts to another Vince Foster
nightmare, whether by suicide or some other nefarious
hatched scheme, leaving Hitlery with sole possession of the
White House and in the advantageous position of incumbency
to win the 2008 or 2012 election.
New bumper sticker.....IF....!

Let us suppose that sKerry and Hitlary run and win this fall.

I plan to make a fortune selling bumper stickers that say: Hillary in '07.

Does anyone really think sKerry would be desperate enough for the oval orifice to take on such a running mate?? I keep grinding that in my poor little one watt brain. I wish they'd pay me for the hours. Maybe I should get a life, but it's too early in the season to go out and watch the grass grow.

I have heard that Hitlary wouldn't add anything to a sKerry ticket since she comes from NY [now] and we have already disgraced ourselves by voting for Gore up here. Assumedly, we'll disgrace ourselves again this fall no matter if Hitlary is on or off the dem ticket.

I think regardless who wins 2004, Condi Rice has gotta run in 2008. She's a shoe-in.


There are MAJOR problems with the shooting err... attempted assassination in Taiwan.

First, the injury is not consistent with trajectory. Second, he didn't go to the biggest and closer hospital, opting for another hospital. The staff at that hospital was prepped for "something big to happen today". Third, in the video, you will see him still waving and noticing nothing after he got shot.. This is possible, but not likely. Also, he NEVER wears a bulletproof vest, except the day before the election.... ??
There was nobody looking for the gunmen after this was reported.. The glaring problems is amazing to me...

Now there have been people who have known to kill for the presidency, why not pretend to get shot in the name of the presidency? Don't tell me that's too far fetched!!

Why on God's green earth, with every single taiwanese building so tall, and them passing so close, and the nigh impossiblity of finding the shooter if you shot outside any of the hundreds of open windows with people waving flags, would you attempt to shoot from the crowded street where you would be seen, and from where you are standing, knowing you would have to shoot through car door or window, would you attempt an assassination like this?

Even though we know and can measure the side of the hole, and they "allegedly" have the picture of the gun in one of the tapes, nobody's showing it, they can't even reply to the question as to what caliber the gun is! And yet, bullet fragments were taken from the Prez's gut.. Also, did you see the injury?

It was a pure horizontal line. Not really possible given the angle of shot. Window deflection? Not possible either because it penetrated the window...

PROBLEMS PROBLEMS PROBLEMS.. I'm not saying get out the tin foil hats, but I'm saying there are things that are seriously problematic with how that went down and how it was handled (or not handled) as the case may be...
Maybe sKerry can jump on a swift boat and patrol the Mekong Delta and get another purple heart just before the election :scrutiny:

sKerry will never let Hitlary within a mile of the WH or the ticket. He would be fosterized within a year.
Maybe someone can talk Colin Powell and Condi Rice into running in 08. Whereas I don't agree with Powell's stance on some issues, I'd sooner see those two in office than our former first lady or Kerry
I don't see it. Colin Powell is a Black man, one big strike Condi is a Black woman two big strikes. One or the other on the ticket with a strong candidate would be feasible .

When Lieberman was running with Gore I don't know how many times I heard someone on the radio ask if America was ready for a Jewish VP. If that was considered to be a legitiment issue the I have to wonder if America is ready for a Black pres or VP. Especially a Black Woman.

Sorry if that offends anybody, but it should.
I think everybody is reading entirely too much popularity into Hillary. I don't think she would fare as well as most expect. Colin Powell needs to be kept as far from the oval office as John Kerry. Conki Rice needs to speak lots more to get a feel for her. We have gotten to the point that any one person isn't going to change anything. Too many terf protectors who won't give up their lucrative behind the scenes money to help another with a program. Nothing will change until there is a wholesale cleaning of the house and senate. People with enough guts to thoroughly overhaul the beaucracy. Reduce the federal work force by atleast half. Stand up and say you aren't entitled to a damn thing but the right to try to better yourself.

If what I've heard is correct, Mr. Powell is being treated for cancer, so I doubt if he would run, indeed suspect he may not be very healthy in 08.
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