The Must See Gun vids

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Aug 1, 2005
I have a list of gun/2A related vids I often use against the clueless anti gun types, as some people simply can't absorb text and only pictures will do. Below is my list of the "must see" vids on the topic. I'm sure you all have seen most of them. Got any others I should add to my list? I have others, but I find these to be the most effective for getting the point across/countering the points of anti "don't confuse me with the facts" gun types:

John Stossel on 20/20 regarding the myths and facts of gun control:

For those who like to say stupid things like taking guns away from law abiding US citizens when they need them most could ever happen, the Katrina experience:

For those who want to see what happens to others who don't fight for their rights to self defense, the UK and Australian experience:

And follow up to the UK and Aussi experience:

For those who like to tell some 120lb woman - who has to face some 200lb rapist/stalker - to "just call the police, you don't need a gun", tell that to this woman:

And for Humor, Penn and Teller on gun control:****+by+penn+and+teller#
Those are some good vids. Watching those is one of the things that got me pumped up about 2A issues.
They acted as if New Orleans turned into a chaotic riot. I hope that someone pays for all of that crap they pulled in legal fees. But, of course, the best case is that people will just get their guns back and/or a formal letter of apology that means nothing.

I enjoyed the gun control myth one. Glad to see the truth on the mainstream for a change.
I love the Penn and Teller one. Funny but oh so true. All of their episodes are great (that I have seen).

Classic stuff.If others have vids they consider"must see" to the 2A cause, post them in this thread!
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