the real reasons people are buying guns

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Reply to Danweasel


It's attitudes like that, that hose a lot of future gun owners over. If you're in this just for yourself, your attitude is in the wrong place from where I see it. :confused: They are coming for the guns and they will start out very sneaky and sly by going after ammunition. What good is the gun, when the ammunition costs practically as much as the gun? The ammunition will be in the first term and they will attempt to consfiscate guns on the second term if they get back in. The only hope we have at this point is the Supreme Court to protect our 2nd Amendment Rights. Guess what else they have in the works? They're going after Fox News and conservative talk radio with something called the "Fairness Doctrine". This can of B.S. is nothing more than censorship and limitation of our 1st Amendment Rights - "Freedom of Speech". I hope you enjoy the CHANGE you helped bring to the table, because we are all at future risk of the ATF or the new Civilian Defense Force (can you say Nazis or SS Storm Troopers) kicking in our door in the future, to take what we have. Oh, and the "Fairness Doctrine" will make sure that no one sees this on the news, while you or I rot in prison somewhere.

Mr T.
Lifetime NRA Member
2nd Amendment Task Force
4. Everyone is worried (or eager) about civil unrest or civil war or something else civil happening. Due to economic and political matters.

Your wording here cracks me up. Humanity is always painfully "civil".

I guess my main reason for having guns is that it levels the playing field. My government has them, my local "magistrate" has them, my peers have them. So, I see no reason why I should not have them too.
35. The wife sees a news report about a shortage of AR-AK's and gives the go ahead to buy your own X-mas present. (This really happened to me. I love that woman.)
They're just like the machine-gun collectors who support the 1986 FOPA because it preserves the inflated market value
Do such miserable gun owners or collectors really exist ?
Yep. There's elitism in every field. Most of the guys like this I see aren't even shooters. In fact, they're not "gun people" at all. They could just as easily be collecting guitars or British sports cars.

About the only time they'll even discuss guns is when they feel the need to flaunt their superior collection.

Fortunately, they represent a miniscule and uninfluential minority.
Let's see--

New liberal and very anti gun president.

Economy going in the tank so people want to be able to protect their property.
Real Reason #1: With the Heller court ruling followed so closely by all of us this summer, we put a lot of thought into the real possibility that our government could try to deny us our 2nd amendment right/s. Like many of you, I determined that this was a pivital moment, and actually considered in detail the ramifications and what I would do, if the decision did not go my / our way. :what: Now having so seriously considered this, and seeing how close we came 5 to 4. That bit of REALITY is hard to forget, and should not be forgotten.
Joe Biden helped write the AWB.

Rahm Emanuel helped push it through.

Hillary Clinton's old man was Pres. then. Now she's gonna be Sec'y of State.

Kennedy is still drawing breath.

Shumer is still in NY.

Feinstein/Boxer are still in CA.

CCW is unlawful in Chicago.
I hear you Mr. T.

However I am not only in this for myself but for my kids. I am not proud of the world that the "pro-gun" but anti-democracy leadership of recent years has put into place. Too much greed and too little thinking. Until recently I couldn't afford a gun anyways.

It really is nonsense to make gun ownership your number one political issue. God knows that I am absolutely against a gun ban but at the same time It is not the most important thing on my mind right now.

And yes, I do believe that the number one reasons that people are buying up guns (if they really are, as I see no evidence of it yet) is minor hysteria followed by certain people's exploitation of this sentiment.

I have to disagree. A politicians views on guns is my main priority because it tells me alot about how they view our world and how our government should be. To me an Anti like Obama has his gun policies because he believes that the goverment should rule us as opposed to work for us. They feel we as citizens can't be trusted and should depend on them for "protection". This way of thinking creeps or flows into there other way of thinking. They feel the goverment should also tell us how to live, where to live, what to do with our money, what to view as entertainment and so on. Don't get me wrong their were a lot of problems with the Bush administration but to cast all our problems on him I think is wrong.

I feel how you view guns is gonna tell me alot about your view of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happyness".
7. It's flu season, and you never know how bad it could get.

If the "supply chain" in this country gets disrupted....I'D sure want an AR-15 handy, be it in the pharmacy where I work or a grocery store. We only keep a week's worth of meds TOPS, and we have to overnight some things EVERY SINGLE DAY to keep up with demand.

On second thought, forget the AR...I'd settle for a clear path to the EXIT if the SHTF..
True ByAnyMeans,

However I feel that the last administration's policies concerning secrecy and executive power, attempting to abolish habeas corpus, and general behaving like Kings instead of elected officials, etc. show more of a disregard for people's opinions and rights that any since I have been alive. I am not a big fan of the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. act either as I feel a right to do what I want unless I am bothering someone else and I don't believe that a government I elected to serve me has a right to monitor me in secret. Also about entertainment, It seems to me that it is the "right" that tries to ban things or tell people what to watch. It all (in my opinion) comes back to what I do in my house and on my property is my business. I don't blame Bush exclusively for this crap, but I do feel that he is the most responsible as it happened on his watch, with his consent.

Basically I am agreeing with you, I guess, but we have differing opinions on the greater of the too evils.
gonna go with the "people wanted one and were afraid of another ban" option

I'm not disagreeing with your take on this administartion and don't really belive GB to be a friend to gun owners. Granted he did'nt reinstate the AWB but he also did'nt lift ban on importation of ammo and sided with D.C. on the Heller case. It's not a question of him though, he's out and were talkign Obama who is even worse in terms of gun control and I believe it will get worse. While true it's ussually the right who has religous campaigns against decency and the religous right lawmakers attempt to legislate about it many Democrats do to. It's Democrats pushing for Fairness Doctrine now. Repubs are worse in this area but Dems get their licks in to.
Yep, I agree. I don't think there is as much difference between Ds and Rs as people would like to believe. Or as Rush would like people to believe anyways. I don't like pretty much any of 'em.

Oh and if I was GWB i would be scared of a bunch of poor, black (disenfrachised? maybe.) people running around my town with pistols too, secret service be damned!

See, two people CAN disagree respectfully on the internet! Ha.
it's not a spoof

it's not people acting irrationally...

it's actually very rational and it's been slowly building up for some 9 months.

in case you missed's the scoop.

the libs have both houses of congress and the white house....

there is a surge of pent up liberal hostility wating to surge out (just look at the protests over prop. 8)....

The AWB has been on the Dems agenda for years.

Making the AWB permanent is part of Osama Obama's published agenda...

The scaredy cat, spineless Republicans will likely not spend the political capital to filibuster a new AWB.

The Heller decision will not do anything to stop a new AWB.

People know that if they want an EBR, it's now or never.

Lot's of speculators are buying up inventories, knowing they'll turn a tidy profit selling pre-ban hardware.

I don't know what sand bar some of you guys have had your heads stuck into, but with in six months you'll be snelling the coffee.

Some of us saw the writing on the wall in the Spring and took care of our procurement goals then.

Others will wish they had.
Obama is simply keeping his word.

He promised to fix the economy if he got in office, well, he's not even in office yet and the firearms industry is doing well.
Just like the housing bubble, and the oil price bubble, and the scrap metals bubble, and the precious metals bubble, these all came then burst. This bubble will come and go as well as the prices and demand are unsustainable. By June of 09 this will all be a memory, and prices will be back to normal. In fact, with the way the economy is going, there's going to be quite a few unfortunate folks who will have to sell those weapons to put food on the table.

Am I buying anything? Sure, but not because of fear of an impending ban. I'm buying some reloading supplies because I don't have what I need. Guns? Yep, picked up one .357 and need to buy a lever action carbine. I have a mountain lion visiting my back yard on a regular basis---how's that for a need to buy?
Another reply to Danweasel

You make some fair arguments about Bush, but the reality is he's now leaving Washington and Obama is soon to take Office. I think that I and my family and friends and neighbors best know how to live our lives. We don't need someone from Washington telling us how we have to live or what we have to do or even how we have to think. I believe that we all appreciate the "Freedoms" and "Rights" the Constitution affords us and I don't for a second agree to any interference in exercising those "Freedoms" and "Rights", by anyone...foreign or domestic. Freedom of Speech and Right to Bear Arms are number one and number two in Amendments in the Bill of Rights; why do you suppose that is? Stuff is getting totally out of hand right now in Washington on both sides of the aisle, but what to we the people have for a say in matters when both parties run poor candidates which limits our choices to crud and cruddier - how to "we" enact change in Washington who continually ignores "our" needs? The "Framers" put guarantees into our rights as citizens, so that when our elected officials became so self serving and ignorant of our needs that "we the people" could take back "our" power bestowed upon our elected officials, if the need ever became apparent. Freedom of Speech allows us to inform the rest of the nation as to problems going on in our government; if that right is trampled how do we the people ever know what's really going on? The Right to Keep and Bear Arms affords us the capability to take back the power we bestowed on elected government officials, by force of arms if necessary, if things get so dire that we as a nation need to take that step, but it also allows us to defend our other Constitutional Rights if some elected official thinks that they can take or limit those Rights. I am not abdicating that at this point in time, but one never knows when a Hugo Chavez type is going to be elected. I think Barack Obama has that capability in his character if he is left unchecked. Does that mean he will be a Hugo Chavez? Not necessarily in my opinion, but it doesn't mean he won't either. Obama's record and associations scare the hell out of me, and I and others I know will be keeping a very close eye on what this guy does and tries to do. Our only chance will be to elect a majority "conservative" congress in two years if he shows any signs of misbehaving. If he is going to try to ram-rod legislation down our throats that threatens or eliminates our constitutional rights then I for one would strongly resist any effort to infringe upon my 1st and 2nd amendment rights. I suggest that maybe you should read a copy of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...they're not meaningless words, they're the fabric of this nation which just happens to be the greatest nation on earth. I happen to think it's a nation worth defending, even when it's attacked by those we elect and send to Washington.
Oh, also Danweasel Bush only suspended habeas corpus for terrorist combatants, not the citizenry of this country. The Patriot Act also was only used on foreign national's communications, not the citizens of this country.
Just some points worth mentioning.

Mr. T
NRA Lifemember
2nd Amendment Task Force
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