The voting punch-cards.

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Dec 25, 2002
These things have been in use for years.

I heard some demo braying on the news last night about the current punch-card method.

It struck me as so odd how, after all these years, suddenly it is of such great importance to Democrats that they use an "accurate" (read: easily tampered with) system, and how horrifying it is that such an "inaccurate" system is currently used. (I'm referring to the electronic system they want to implement in place of the punch-cards. As most of you probably know, the electronic system might as well have been designed to be tampered with, it is so full of holes and flaws.)

First they lose the Presidential election. It must be because of the voting cards.

Now voters want to rid themselves of an incompetent moron running the state, and again, the voting cards are called into question.

Isn't it SO interesting how THE ONLY TWO TIMES IN HISTORY the accuracy of the voting system have been challenged is when the demos face loss??? :scrutiny:

Yep, Sir

only the Dems know what is good for us. Never EVER challenge one of their decisions how we have to behave.
Gov. Davis was elected twice using the punch card method.

Perhaps the 9th Circuit should challenge Davis' election last year.
Should the ruling /injunction stand, how many voting machines will Registrars have to switch across the nation prior to Nov '04?

I hear Diebold has some equipment, guaranteed to work.

I hope the Democrats go the way of the Wigs.

Not all Democrats are bad and their party's ideology has some good points but has been so bastardized that you'd never know what the party ideology actually is. Presently it's Socialism. They want power and the only way to get that power is to win. They will lie, cheat and steal to aquire this power stopping at nothing in the process.

Amazingly NO voting method will ever be "fool proof" both figuratively and literally. BUT you will know just exactly what voting system is most flawed and why when a Democrat loses and election. The sad thing is that even with all this, many people don't see that the people they are voting for are in it for a power grab and nothing more... Sad. Truly sad.

The electronic systems could pretty much guarantee a Democratic win election after election. I like what Anne Coulter said about the California recall. She said "We'll have democracy in Iraq before we have democracy in California." She's probably right (not to mention she's a babe ;)

Take care folks,

I think the problem with the voting machines is legal. I believe that the punch card machines have been offically decommissioned. I think that is why Cali can't legally use them. By law, the machines must be replaced by the upcoming March election. I think that, at the time this legislation was passed, no one thought the machines would need to be used again.
Just to show how ridiculous this is, I would like to see every candidate in history who narrowly lost an election in California where punchcard ballots were used to file a lawsuit calling for an invalidation of the results, saying their civil rights were violated. Likewise, I would like everyone who voted in a California election where punchcards were used to file a lawsuit invalidating the results, claiming their civil rights were knowingly violated under the Equal Protection clause.
Take a pencil, make an 'X' (or black out the box).

-Can be read by the simplest of scanners
-Difficult to tamper with

Computerized system? Bad choice. Easy to 'fix' things.
If you're a Democrat anything with a paper trail is inherently
bad. They can't wait for touch-screen voting. Anyone know if we
get a paper print-out of our vote on those machines? I'm betting no way,

Between the fact that more and more people who are in this country
illegally are voting and the fact that a lot of people either don't
know squat about the issues and/or have no personal financial stake in
matters of considerable fiscal import, the great dream of universal suffrage
is more and more looking like a joke.
No, Longeyes.

There is no paper printout on a touchscreen device. All the more reason the Democrats want them.

The "mark a dot with a #2 pencil" thing is called "Optical Scan" - about half of all Diebold installations use that instead of touchscreen. The finished cards are dumped into a hopper called an "Accufeed".

Diebold insiders have leaked a manual for their own Canadian field techs to help them through overseeing a US election.

Check THIS excerpt out:

6.2. AccuFeed

The jurisdiction may be using the AccuFeed in order to process absentee ballots in batch mode. The AccuFeed is often sensitive to the orientation, size, and print quality of the ballot.. AccuFeed units tend to reflect varying behavior in terms of speed and quality of processing. Familiarize yourself with the functioning of the AccuFeed before the election if it will be used in the election. Do not offer information as to the AccuFeed's shortcomings to the jurisdiction, even where obvious.


Still think that system is foolproof?

'Course, this is DIEBOLD we're talking about - here's a tip for the Canadian techies in that same manual:

2.1. Border crossing

Indicate that you are attending an election when questioned by US customs. Provide a terse explanation of what your job is as well as the business the company you work for is in. Under no circumstances should you indicate that you intend on working in the US. If requested, give Tab's name and work telephone number as reference.


Illegal aliens running our vote. Lovely.

Never mind the fact that the Optical-scan tallies get sent from the precinct to a central vote-count computer running GEMS (Global Election Management Software) which really WAS designed to be screwed with six ways from Sunday :cuss:.

Go here for a starting point:
For those claiming how easy paper ballots are, I'd just like to remind you that cali passed legislation requiring that voting system be usable by the blind. This is one reason why the old machines are now illegal.
Just to be sure I'm right (I'm assuming I am, since someone would already have pointed out if I was wrong) other than Bush v. Gore and this recall circus, was there another time when the accuracy of the voting card method was called into question?
Jones, you didn't hear? It's because us colored folk are too stupid to figure it out.

Ching chong wah no punchee ahhsooo :rolleyes:
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