the writer, the NRA-ILA and the NYT each speak on anti-gun suits

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Dec 24, 2002
sowest pa.
Posters Note: The NYT, otherwise known as The Grand Old Lady of Anti Gun Publications might be easily dismissed. Don't underestimate it's influence. As for The NRA, many gunnies look upon them with more than a few questions. Be that as it may, HR 1036 is scheduled for a House vote Wednesday. Get on to your congress person PDQ. 1-800-648-3516 is toll free to Capitol Switchboard. They can connect you with both congressional and senatorial offices, or call your congress persons local offices. Your call could be very important. Don't forget to make it.


On Thursday, April 3, the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee voted 21 - 11 to approve H.R. 1036, the reckless lawsuit preemption bill. This legislation seeks to end the gun-ban lobby?s efforts to drive law-abiding firearm manufacturers, distributors, and dealers into bankruptcy under the crushing weight of predatory, illegitimate lawsuits. House Judiciary Chairman James Sensenbrenner (R-Wisc.) commented, "Logic and fairness dictate that manufacturers and merchants should not be held responsible for the unlawful use of their lawful products."

Yesterday?s vote was preceded by testimony on Wednesday in the House Judiciary Committee?s Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law. In prepared testimony, Walter K. Olson, a Senior Fellow with the Manhattan Institute, told the Subcommittee, "I conclude that the gun suits are at best an assault on sound tenets of individual responsibility, and at worst a serious abuse of legal process." He went on to state, "Even more ominously, the suits demonstrate how a pressure group [the gun-ban lobby] can employ litigation to attempt an end run around democracy, in search of victories in court that it has been unable to obtain at the ballot box." Of course, NRA has been saying for years that the suits spearheaded by groups such as the Brady Campaign/HCI are shameless abuses of the judicial process. Failing to achieve their gun-ban agenda legislatively, these anti-gun extremists have used the courts in a two-pronged assault on the Second Amendment.

Promoters of reckless lawsuits have two goals. First, they hope to financially destroy the firearm industry by filing countless meritless lawsuits?suits based on the absurd legal theory that gun makers should be held accountable when violent criminals go through illegal channels to obtain lawful, non-defective firearms, then use them to commit violent crimes. Although the court losses continue to mount for these baseless suits, the firearm industry is still saddled with the cost of defending itself in court. Lawrence G. Keane, Vice President and General Counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), offered testimony on Wednesday, stating, "I believe a conservative estimate for the total, industry-wide cost of defense to date now exceeds $100 million dollars." This is a tremendous amount of money for an industry, Keane states, that would not equal a Fortune 100 company if combined into one corporation. And if anyone doubts one goal of these suits is to simply inflict devastating financial damage, Keane related that the anti-gun mayor of Chicago, Richard Daley (D), bragged his city?s suit would "hit [the firearms industry] where it hurts?in their bank accounts." Olson, meanwhile, told the Subcommittee that John Coale, one of the key lawyers behind the reckless lawsuit campaign, boasted, "The legal fees alone are enough to bankrupt the industry."

The second goal of those who promote these predatory suits is to find an activist judge or jury that is willing to usurp the legislative authority of Congress and impose judicially-mandated regulations that would drown the firearms industry under a deluge of bureaucratic red tape. Olson testified that, after the crushing defeat the gun-ban lobby experienced at the polls on election day 1994, "ome leading gun-control advocates concluded that the democratic process was not ... going to grant them the kinds of restrictions on gun distribution they sought any time soon." Thus, they began placing most of their emphasis on promoting their baseless lawsuits.

And one of these reckless lawsuits, filed by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), may have found its ideal venue. It landed in the court of semi-retired Judge Jack Weinstein, who Keane described to Congress as being "well known in legal circles as an activist jurist." In fact, it was in Weinstein?s court in 1999 that one of the first HCI-backed reckless lawsuits, Hamilton v. Accu-Tek, experienced fleeting success, when a jury handed down a verdict that partially endorsed HCI?s judicial agenda. On appeal, however, the verdict and suit were completely rejected, first by the New York Court of Appeals, and then by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

Congress should be outraged that certain lawyers and gun-ban advocates feel they can circumvent the legislative process by moving their anti-gun efforts into the courts. Olson told the Subcommittee the reckless lawsuit agenda reveals "an astounding contempt for the democratic process and for the lawmakers of this body." And Keane pointed to the opening statement of Dennis Hayes, the NAACP?s General Counsel, as further proof proponents of the reckless lawsuit agenda are trying to use the courts to impose restrictions on the firearms industry they are unable to pass through Congress. "[Hayes] said the NAACP was asking that the court usher in an equitable code of conduct that changes the way business is done," Keene explained, "and that the case was about asking a federal court to step in and regulate the firearms industry."

Many thanks go out to all of the lawmakers on the Judiciary Committee who voted in favor of H.R. 1036, especially U.S. Representative Rick Boucher (D-Va.), the sole Democrat on the Committee who had the integrity to go against his party?s anti-gun leaders and vote in favor of this critical reform. We should also thank U.S. Representative Chris Cannon (R-Ut.), who Chairs the Subcommittee of Commercial and Administrative Law, and Judiciary Chairman Sensenbrenner.

The next step for H.R. 1036 will be a vote by the full House of Representatives next week, so please be sure to call your U.S. Representative and urge him to support this critical reform. You can reach your U.S. Representative by calling (202) 225-3121. For additional contact information, please use our "Write Your Representatives" tool.

Meanwhile, we still need to add to the list of cosponsors for S. 659, the Senate?s version of reckless lawsuit preemption. Those Senators who have already signed on to S. 659 deserve our thanks, so please contact them to express your support. Those who have not should be encouraged to sign on as cosponsors. To find out if your U.S. Senators have signed on yet, go to the Library of Congress website. You can reach your U.S. Senators by calling (202) 224-3121. For additional contact information, use our "Write Your Representatives" tool.

Congress's Pet Arsenal (An OP-ED piece from todays NYT)
Under cover of war, the domestic gun industry is prodding Congress to anoint it as the "Arsenal of Democracy" by enacting a disastrous bill to give gun makers and dealers unprecedented protection from liability suits by state and local governments and victims of gun violence. The "Arsenal" argument is being pressed by lobbyists who want to enshrine the industry as the safeguard of freedom "here at home and around the world," as the National Shooting Sports Foundation puts it.

The timing of the legislation, expected this week on the House floor, is no less cynical. The bill was strategically delayed last fall, when sniper shootings were terrifying the Washington area. Now that the country is engrossed in the Iraqi war, the bill is moving in Congress with high chances for passage, barring a Democratic filibuster.

The bill would shelter the industry from the product liability provisions that apply to most manufacturers, even the makers of toy guns. Various local governments are now in court attempting to show that the manufacturers that make guns that too often surface in illegal activities, and the stores that make no attempt to follow the law in selling guns, should be held liable for the relentless damages of gun violence. Survivors of some of the Washington-area sniping victims have gone to court to sue the manufacturer of the gun that is said to be the murder weapon and the gun shop that sold it after discovering that the dealer had reported 238 guns "missing" from its inventory in three years alone.

Now the industry is putting pressure on lawmakers in statehouses and Congress to hobble the courts. If approved, the bill would scuttle all pending and future litigation. Among the most promising is a N.A.A.C.P. suit in Brooklyn that uses federal gun data to argue that manufacturers and wholesalers are in calculated denial about shady dealers who regularly funnel weapons into criminal hands. This suit would be stopped dead in its tracks by the industry's bill.

The passage of this bill would do nothing for average gun owners. What the sudden pressure to get it through Congress makes clear is that the gun lobby, while theoretically concerned with the right to bear arms, is chiefly worried about protecting the right to make money off them.
the writer response to NYT OP-ED piece

Re Congress's Pet Arsenal, today's OP-ED, the article would be correct if it had read something to the effect of the following. "Legislation pending before The House would preclude law suits against gun makers, distributors and dealers, where there was no showing of injury caused by product defects. What the OP-ED piece infers is that the legislation would shield manufacturers from suits arising from defective products, which is plainly not the case at all.

In conclusion, one wonders, re the type of suits currently before various courts, as to when one might see actions against Ford, General Motors or Chrysler, over the fact that their products have been criminally used by persons whose actions are completely removed from any semblence of control by them. The same considersations/questions would apply to suits against the makers of chain saws, hammers, hatchets, baseball bats and so forth, the list could likely go on, without end.

In any event, since the manufacture, distribution and retail sale of firearms operates completely under federal jurisdiction, everyone involved is federally licensed, and that the firearms trade, just like the trade in automobiles is completely legal, who in the end is to be blamed, outside of criminals of course.
Standing Wolf:

Re your question: "Would someone please tell me why the firearms manufacturers haven't fought back with counter-suits?", I have wondered about that myself.

I won't sware to it, but I believe that they did try once, and their attempt was rejected, on what seemed like really B.S. grounds, something ridiculous like lack of standing, which is strange since it's the industry that has been the victim of these phoney suits. I think that there was something about it on the SAF web site (

It might have been that the politicans "fixed" things, via the ruse of allowing "immunity" to themselves. Otherwise, I cannot really explain it except perhaps on the grounds of rank stupidity on the part of the firearms industry, though it could be possible that, from a public relations point of view, pushing an action against some city would be a "loser", in the view of people who make this sort of decision, that select group of persons not including yours truly. Other than the foregoing, who can tell?
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