Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Coin - NGC - Off Topic

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Dec 24, 2002
Bellingham WA
Off topic, wasn't sure were to post, but thought it worthy of sharing.

From: "Theodore Roosevelt Association" <[email protected]>
>Reply-To: "Theodore Roosevelt Association" <[email protected]>
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: TRA & The Coin Bill to Benefit Sagamore Hill
>Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 09:59:18 -0500
>To view this newsletter in full-color:

>Monday, March 15, 2004
>Issue 17
>Published by Theodore Roosevelt Association (mailto:[email protected])
>Copyright (C) 2004 Theodore Roosevelt Association. All rights reserved.
>Chartered by an Act of Congress 1920
>From Theodore Roosevelt Association, Box 719, Oyster Bay, New York 11771
Please Help Secure Congressional Support

To Create Special TR Coins Benefiting Sagamore Hill

Congressman Peter T. King, who represents the district where Sagamore
Hill National Historic Site is located, has introduced, H.R. 2404,
legislation that would authorize the Treasury to mint up to 1 million in
one-dollar silver coins in 2006 honoring the centennial of the award of the
Nobel Peace Prize to Theodore Roosevelt.

These special coins would be sold for the cost of production plus a
surcharge of $10 per coin. The surcharge fees, which could amount to as much
as $10 million, would go to the Theodore Roosevelt Association (TRA), on a
matching basis, to fund educational programs and facilities, including a new
visitor's center, at Sagamore Hill National Historic Site.

Obviously, Congressman King's bill, H.R. 2404, is a tremendous
opportunity for the Theodore Roosevelt Association. We believe that the bill
would have an excellent chance of passage in the House of Representatives.
But in order for a commemorative coin bill to come to a vote, the House
requires co-sponsorship by two-thirds of its members, or 290 Congressmen.
This requirement cannot be waived.

Please contact your Member of the U.S. House of Representatives as
soon as possible and ask him or her to become a co-sponsor of H.R. 2404,
introduced by Congressman Peter T. King of New York. Because it is an
election year, work on legislation like this probably needs to be completed
by July 4 or the measure will die.

H.R. 2404 calls for the TR commemorative coins to be struck in two
designs: one with the James Earle Fraser profile from the TRA logo on one
side, and the Augustus Saint-Gaudens eagle from the old gold coins on the
other side; and one with the Fraser statue of TR at New York's American
Museum of Natural History on one side, and the TRA's logo of the crusader's
flaming sword on the other side.

After the coin bill passes the House, it must of course go to the
Senate, and we are currently working on sponsorship in the Senate. But we
have no bill number or other information at this time. We will let you know
when a Senate bill is ready.

Federal law requires that funds from commemorative coin bills be
matched by privately secured funds raised by the group receiving the
surcharges, in this case the TRA. All told, between surcharges and this
fundraising, there is a chance to pump as much as $20 million into Sagamore
Hill. That is money that could be used wisely and well.

At Sagamore Hill we currently have no auditorium or adequate media
theater. The old visitor center is too small to accommodate the public. We
also need conference rooms and a library, and there is not sufficient space
at the site for offices for the TRA. H.R. 2404 gives us a chance not only
to meet these pressing needs, but also to raise an endowment to support all
we do in the future at Sagamore Hill.

John Allen Gable

P.S. Here is the possible text of a letter to your member of Congress in
support of our bill:

Dear Congressman________:

I urge you to become a co-sponsor of H.R. 2404, the bill introduced
by Congressman Peter T. King of New York which authorizes the minting of
commemorative coins honoring Theodore Roosevelt, which would raise needed
funds for Theodore Roosevelt's home, Sagamore Hill National Historic Site in
Oyster Bay, NY. The funds would go for educational programs and a new
visitor center at the site. Please contact Congressman King's office and
sign on as a co-sponsor for H.R. 2404. This means much to preserving TR's
legacy for future generations.

Sincerely yours,
This is a VERY worthy cause, and one which I'll support. However, it properly belongs in Legal & Political, so... Hey presto! Abracadabra! :D
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