Thinking of Hosting CFS Carbine in NC. Intrested?

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Oct 12, 2005
Concord, N.C.
as the title states, i am planning to host Rob Pincus' Combat Focus Shooting Carbine in March of 2011 in NC. nothing is set in stone yet but I wanted to get a feel for the levels of intrest that i could get from you guys here in the area, and or folks that would like carbine training and or to train in the Combat Focus Shooting program. thanks.
folw the link below, go down and click on Combat Focus Shooting Carbine for a course description.

The course dates are set for 26-27th (sat and sun) march 2011, the course will be held in Shelby NC.
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You'll like it. We did it last year. Doing CFS first is a definate plus, but not a necessity. I'g guessing Rob wants to do a 1 day CFS first? DO IT.

Again, worth it. Make sure you police up brass a couple of times a day (it gets uncomfortable after the first day). Tell Rob the Iowa crew sends its regards!
Yes i have taken CFS and Part of Advanced Gun handling before, and i very much look foward to this. great advise though thank you for sharing. hey how much ammo did you go through? i have 1500 est aside should i be good. the website says 1400-1700 but you have been there yourself, what would you say, take 2k to be on the safe side?
For those of you that have trained with Pincus; did he carry a gun or do any live-fire demos during the courses?
For those of you that have trained with Pincus; did he carry a gun or do any live-fire demos during the courses?

I was hoping to get a hold of you and ask you if you were interested in this course as i know you are in the area, and that you train alot. Additionally i would like to meet you. To your question. In my class he did have a s&w j frame that he carried the whole class and did a demo with, and there was a point that he demoed various things with a glock as the whole class was shooting semi auto handguns. He didn't demo too much, but more than some other instructors that i have seen. And less than i have seen from other places.But honestly the way that the course is set up, the way that it flows and the way it is presented there is very few times that he actually needs to demo much. It might have also had to do with the students in the class, we were all squared away and at a high level of profecientcy, so there was no need for him to slow down, and as a matter of fact he was able to go into some of the advanced pitol handling course with the extra time that we had. maybe things would have been different in a different class?
SHoot me a PM with the course info (actual location, possible dates, etc) and I'll see if I can make it. WIth it being that far forward; I might be able to do it without much issue.

SHoot me a PM with the course info (actual location, possible dates, etc) and I'll see if I can make it. WIth it being that far forward; I might be able to do it without much issue.

pm sent, yeah that is why i wanted to schedule this thing so far out, to give people max time to plan.

The course dates are set for 26-27th (sat and sun) march 2011, the course will be held in Shelby NC.
Rob didn't have a gun on him for any of our classes (4?)

And Possum, 1200 should do ya. It helps if you have lunch planned out--we did chili and fixin's. The guys loved it, and it saved a lot of time. Time used for more instruction! LOL.

I like Pincus. Ask him about his "Level of screw up beyond 'ass-clown' "--you will laugh. As you may know--anyone who screws up right away is an ass clown, those who continue get...further recognition...LOL
HK Dan,
Thank you and i appreciate that. I have plenty of ammo then. How much handgun ammo did you guys go through doing transitions, and how much handgun work was there? thanks again.
I am currently in Contact with the Director of training at ICE, so the ball is rolling, just need to get the final details (price, type of targets needed etc). I will try to have a price for the course ASAP. I am going to try to get it lower than the advertised price, i will see, and i will let you know when i do.
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