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This looks like a Russian Boar

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Euro influence, but not pure Russian.

A beautiful animal...with quite a pronounced (mohawk). ;)

But, it lacks several other prominent features associated with a pure Russian, a fine animal just the same.

Hope someone gets that hog.
Greaybeard thank you for brining this to me I didnt realize or notice the date on the pic.
It was about 3 weeks cince I have been down to check my cam the date today is
1-10-11 so I am sorry about the date.
In the locatinon were that pic was taken we dont have to many Javelina around there
it was taken in centrial Texas. Now im not saying that there are none around but we have never seen any.
We have taken 2 pigs off the place that would go in the 150lb class He is just one of the Boar's that are around.
Out of the last pig I was able to make 40lbs of Sausage not counting 1 Ham,the straps and Tender loin,the neck (we made a great stew out of it)and the ribs there was enough meat and fat on them im going to try to BBQ them.
Same opinion as most others on here. Not a full Russian but most definitely a long generational of feral hog. The more gen's that get bred in the wild, the more they look like European strains. It's a fine example of the hog breed and I am in complete agreement with Flint, would be a fine wall specimen!

As to the "Javelina" comment, that animal would easily make 2 Javies and probably then some.
nope, not a russian...just lots of mix/inbreeding...way too many hogs...I shoot all I can, everyone I see...I am still overrun with em.

I'd love to have that problem! I wanna shoot some hogs so darn bad! I'm just dying to do a successful hog hunt. we have some around here but I'm never lucky enough to find 'em. even tried baiting and all kinds of stuff they won't come out!
All we are baiting with is corn. The wild pig is a verry smart critter they have one weekness and that is EATING.. no mater what you do you cant fool there nose. keep the wind in your favor and put in your time and you will get a chance at them.
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