this should be your sign.

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May 4, 2012
If this isnt up to par mods i will remove....

I just wanted to say to THR that I am proud to be part of this comunity. I am a member on many gun sites but this one tops the list for me. A little (well a lot) because of the wealth of information you can get on this site but mostly ( almost all) because of the way we conduct,monitor,follow the RULES and just plain get a long. ( even with the influx of new members) even though i guess i consider myself a relitivly new member.

But the main reason i am writing this is for the ones that have that "gut" feeling on how or if this ban is going to go anywhere. And to that I say if you havent read ( where have you been) the threads on the Eastern Outdoor gun show do so. I know in my " gut" that show is not happeninge because of US as a gun comunity. This site was one of the first ones to verfy information and then run with it. Many sites after this one picked it up. I know a lot of people think this show isnt happening becasue vendors pulled out but I truely believe no matter what vendors and business are there to make money. And if they thought every one was going to be at that large show they would have still been there.

So use this one small example as a sign. That now more then ever we as a gun comunity need to stand together. Weather you like black guns or not. Whether you hunt or not. If you target shoot or not. None of this matters because it is not about one sector, or one gun. It is about out rights. And how once our rights are gone the rest will follow. Anyone who believes we dont have a chance against the big guys are wrong. And if and when you do feel that way just go back and read those treads again.

Again sorry for the long post and if mods want it down pull it or tell me too but I am just proud of us all.
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