This Was Really Bad!

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Jan 16, 2006
Home is PA
I've got the Sci Fi channel playing, cheesey movie "The Phantom" based on the old comic book character. Premise seems to be son of phantom takes over dads mantle.

Scene is in an indoor range:

The "only shoot to wound" was bad.

Pointing the 1911 at the target, pull trigger = "click" because the safety was on was bad.

"click, click, click" after slide lock because you are out of ammo was bad.

The lady in the background standing near a table of ear muffs but sticking her fingers in her ears instead was bad.


what was really bad was when Jr. tries to shoot on the indoor range from a proper 2 handed stance with eyes and ears and cant hit anything... Until, he TAKES OFF eyes and ears and uses a "cool" one handed stance!

Then of course he's hitting hands, knees and elbows with ease!

I don't mind suspending disbelief for a comic book show but the message of "cant hit the target? Just take off those pesky safety devices and shoot cool!" is horrible.
A couple of weeks ago, I saw a "documentary" on Bonnie and Clyde. They were using Beretta 92s...

LOL!!!! 92fs.... That wasn't invented untill 80's? :D

That's ok in most movies I watch the 5, 6 shot revolvers some how shoot 7-10 :eek:
And AK-47's/AR's some how shoot 50-70 rounds without a magazine reload.
And well shotguns :scrutiny: we get 10-12 rounds out of those. IF you play Call Of Duty World At War you will notice on the double barrel shotgun "rifle shells" fly out of the shotgun when you fire the doulbe barrel shotgun, and you reload the shells fire again and more rifle shells come out lol.
Most of the "made for" Sci Fi movies are pretty bad, but especially the ones with Steven Baldwin in them.
I really, really try not to notice things like this.. they bother the hell outta me. What was that recient movie with Angelina Jolie where they were arcing the flight of bullets AROUND people to shoot the bad guy directly behind them? I wonder if anybody has been shot trying to do that...
@LRS Ranger I think that movie was "Wanted" I did not like that movie. SPOLIER SPOLIER* MOVIE ENDING SPOLIER!!!at the end it was dumb 1 or was it 2 bullets? killed like 6 people in that circle room... lol how did it go through all the heads?
Sadly this trend is not just seen in movies now but popular literature. Almost any work of fiction published recently includes detailed descriptions of bullets making sparks when they strike anything. (and of course the obligatory safeties on revolvers and Glocks)
I only look to movies for realistic tips on driving, applied quantum physics, and settling street disputes through breakdancing. Everything else they seem to get wrong.

Grousing against movie inaccuracies really isn't on topic.
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