Today's letter to the Governor of MD:

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To the OP,

I think your letter was well-written with the best intentions. Saying that, I have had the misfortune of knowing the Governor of MD on a personal basis I can say with 100% certainty that in the 1% chance that he reads it..he could absolutely care less. If its not something that's not in his interests it doesn't register. Please don't take what I say unkindly. Its simply the truth.
"If Hogan had any chance of being elected, he would be found floating in Chesapeake Bay with his throat cut."

I think that they would still try to make it look like an accident? Probably "floating in the bay with a head injury", or at least a suicide note?
My grown daughter just relocated from MD to GA and is very happy. She took a pay cut but just couldn't stand to live there any longer. I feel a lot like a previous poster that said life is short, why fight a fight you can't win. You absolutely can't beat these folks at the ballot box so the next best weapon is to take away their tax revenue. If enough people and businesses abandon these dictator led nanny states - they will collapse under their own weight...
I as a former Marylander left as well. I was tired of my vote not making a difference or having any representation. I also grew up in Montgomery County, the epicenter of Maryland progressivism. It is the most arrogant, narcissistic, intolerant if you are not a lib/Democrat place in Maryland. Ever since I was a kid I grew up with <deleted> who screwed with me just because I dared to think differently. It is a model for what the feds want the entire country to be I kid you not. In the entire county that had more people than the entire city of Baltimore I count only 4 gun stores!!! One closed up because of the new law that took place saying he could not take anymore of the hassle. This is also the same state that passed a RAIN TAX. It is essentially another property tax on top of your property tax but more expensive :barf::banghead:

This may sound selfish but I only have this one life to live here on this earth. I want to experience some kind of freedom while I am still fairly young. There are many guns I want to be able to own and try that Maryland took away from me that if I was still there I would never see again.

I wish you the best of luck.
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First of all, congratulations on making your stance known, and very adroitly too, I might add.

To those who advocate simply moving out...this is a valid choice, but it's not for everybody. And to say that things will never change is to belie the political process in the first place. If such states can never, truly, change, then how did the change to the current state they're currently in now? Illinois residents can surely show great progress. In fact, if you look at EVERY state in the Union, just about, in the last few decades, you'll see tremendous changes which have taken place in our favor.

So to those who chose to stay and take a stand...I say bravo! Make that stand, and be vocal, visible, AND adept at doing so. It DOES matter.

Write your letters...write them well, and write them often. Write them to your Editor, write them to your Governor, write them to your state General Assembly, write them to your U.S. Congressional representatives in the House and Senate. Get others to do likewise, and teach each other how to write clear, intelligent, and concise letters in the process.

My hat's off to you!
If such states can never, truly, change, then how did the change to the current state they're currently in now?

For Maryland it is easy, urbanization and at an astounding rate.

People in urban environments are generally anti-gun. When that mentality dominates the state whatever views it wants it gets hence why Maryland is the way it is.

Then you have Washington D.C. being a magnet of liberalism, a special smug kind because it is the "capital", that spreads to the suburbs where I grew up that steadily increased in population with the more government jobs being created that attracted a group of people who became government bureaucrats who are naturally subservient to control. An arrogance with a holier-than-thou, I-know-better-than-you attitude. Whereas most of the country suffered and is still recovering from the Great Recession, those same effects did not even register a blip in Maryland again because of the federal government. That further reinforces their arrogance of what they are doing is "right". These people are so far removed from the reality of the rest of the country inside their bubble because of Washington DC it is astounding which is why they can continue to get away with the laws they can.

Plus Maryland had gun control laws on the books even before the Gun Control Act of 1968. It has never repealed a gun law in its entire history.

Hogan (who would be considered a leftist in most of America and said himself he is butting out of 2nd Amendment issues) being elected will be another Ehrlich part 2. He is impotent in a state with a veto-proof majority of Democrats and a hostile attorney general that "nothing will get done" all by Democrat design. The state will elect another Democrat governor in 4 years saying that the Republican governor got "nothing done" and more of the same will resume.

I am just being a realist based on my experiences formerly living in that state.
What's with this fingerprinting of handgun owners? Those that apply for a concealed carry permit only or all future handgun purchasers?
Yep. I'm happy we have some new blood in town. I don't think Hogan is going anywhere near 2A issues though, at least not until he fixes the state finances.
At least they grandfathered it in. I'm surprised. I had absolutely no idea Maryland did this, its mostly a rural state.
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