Tom Knapp's Shooting Show

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Dec 26, 2002
Upper Michigan
It was a big day yesterday. I went to a gun show, hit Gander Mountain, and saw Tom Knapp.

Knapp, for those who aren't familiar with him, is a trick shooter in the employ of Benelli, H&K, and Federal Cartridge. He shot a variety of objects, apples, potatoes, eggs and finally aspirin tabs, with a .22 Magnum H&K and FEDERAL .22 Magnum ammo.

Then he switched to 12 gauge Benellis including a long-barrelled hunting shotgun with wood furniture and semi and pump Benelli with black synthetic furniture.

Between shots he kept up a line of patter that was part sales pitch, part comedy, and contained a bit of safety instruction every so often. While shooting he broke clay targets in ones, twos, threes and went on to show us how to shoot nine handthrown clays before they hit the ground. That's his world record from 1996, I think, and after several tries it looked to me like he did it again.

Some of the shots were made with the gun upside down or behind his back, or both. At the end he asked everybody present to work to keep the shotguns he uses legal so he could pass them down to his grandsons. He also asked people to join the NRA, saying it was the best organization we have to keep our rights.

For a finale he threw vegetables, cauliflower etc, and a bowl of whipped cream. I got a good pic of the cream going everywhere. The he shot red, white and blue colored chalk and a jug of something flammable that made a big flame a lot of noise and a big cloud of black smoke and got a lot of applause.

If Knapp is in your area seeing his show is worth the effort.
he's going to be at my gun club on the 29th to do some trap shooting, its also the day of the local NRA banquet so I'll make it to both and have a great day. thanks for the input.
Knapps a busy guy, saw him this afternoon in SW Kansas. Think I'll go back tomorrow.
Ah, when you mentioned Benelli, I took it that he was shooting an HK pistol in .22 mag. (I've seen the American Shooter segments were he's shooting a Benelli MP95.) I think what you mean is he was shooting and old HK 300 rifle (mag fed).
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