Tomahawks- Ok so WTH am I doing? Suggestions?

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I spent last week and a Scout Jamboree for 100 years of LDS scouting. (Only two ticks!) My son was absolutely ga-ga over hawk throwing which they had there. They seemed to be fairly cheap hawks made in china. One was a bit like a bearded axe but with a small hammer area on the other side and the other your traditional Movie Amerindian mouse hawk.

BTW I won a toss off between some other over 55 and over weight leaders myself and scored as a result a few million "Dad Points" with The Boy.

Now I am considering buying a couple or three of the things just to get him out side more often.

We have plenty of hatchets so these will be tossing toys only, unless we are attacked by folks armed with sharp pointy objects in another universe.......

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