tried to lighten the collection, came home one heavy...

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Aug 11, 2005
Elbert County, CO
Went down to the LGS today thinking about consigning my AK-74. Well, that didn't happen. What did happen was a fellow came in with about a dozen he was looking to unload. One of them happened to be a Marlin Camp 9 in new condition (stickers still on it, in the box) except for a small rust spot at the tip of the barrel and one small scratch on the stock. Also had the factory mag, two 6906 mags, three Mec Gar 15 round 59 mags, two Ramline 17 round 59 mags and two unknown make 20 round 59 mags.

We talked a bit, he offered it at $350. I thought on it for a few, said no, I want it, but I need to buy Christmas gifts still. "How 'bout $300?" he says. Dammit! I bit. I shouldn't have, but IMO, too good a deal to refuse.

So, I still have my AK, and now a stable mate for my Camp 45:


I should NEVER go into a gun shop with cash unless I plan on buying ahead of time. Such a sucker! I had been looking to increase my magazine stash for the 5906 anyway, though.
Walking into a gun shop thinking you're going to come out with fewer guns than when you went in? WHAT were you thinking???
you did good man, even at $350 its a steal and would buy it. "but i need to buy christmas gifts still" good move. i myself have one camp 9, very fun little and handy carbine. make sure you check the recoil buffer, change as needed. as the one i have was sitting in my lgs for years and got brittle and pretty much turned to dust. midway has them on stock for $8.99
"but i need to buy christmas gifts still" good move

I really do! It wasn't a tactic to lower the price. The $50 difference just made it go from "good deal" to "cannot refuse deal".

Now I just gotta figure out how to pay for those gifts! lol

(I kid, I'm not that tight)
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