Try one of these targets.

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I got mine at a Cheaper Than Dirt store in Plano, TX for about $23.00. First one of their stores I've ever been in, pretty nice place.
Cute idea, don't ya wish the patent had your name on it??:cool:

As soon as we move west and out of Texas where there's some public land I'm gonna take some golf balls with a small wood screw in them and hang them from the frame of the target stand. I figure that they'd make a pretty good 10-15 yard target for cap pistols.
one of my favorite targets is saf-T-pops mounted between two 2 x 4's and set on a couple pieces of conduet for the stand. You can hang some from string also. They are about the right size for shooting from 30 to 50 feet.
You can get about 250 of them in bulk for around 14 dollars. They shatter nice when hit and no mess to clean up after.

My favorite target

I sure do love my spinners! I got the two red ones this morning, they are perfect. The only thing that bothers me is that the paint on them is so new and fresh, I hate it when they are like that. Oh well, nothing a few boxes of .22 LR, some buckshot, and some .44 bullets from my Remmy won't fix.
Yep, Then work your way down to "Lifesavers" If your real good, shoot thru
the hole without breaking it. Ballons are good too. Fill some with water.
I like water-filled soda cans. And water filled milk jugs. You can also take a shotgun shell and fill it with flour and shoot that. It throws a nice cloud of white dust and antiques the backstop. Speaking of witch you can also antique stuff with flour and shoot it, when it moves you get a good puff of flour. Old cast iron frying pans that have the handle broken off are fun to shoot with a .44 or a .50 because they shatter! Then you've also got scrap iron to sell.
I've never seen those bouncy thingies. I shall keep an eye for them in the local Wal-Marts over here. Or look for them online...
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