Two momentous events happened in the last 24 hours

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Mar 15, 2004
1. I got my C&R license. Now I'm just waiting on my Concealed Carry license

2. For the first time I spotted a person carrying concealed. It was a tuckable IWB and the guy was skinny enough that I could see the bulge (4:30 on the left side). I wasn't really looking for it but I saw a nice knife and flashlight on his (I assume) weak side in sheaths. That led me to look for a gun. So if you were at Quizno's off Church Road in Liberty last night about 7:30 p.m. and you read this site, at least one person spotted you carrying concealed :D One interesting thing. I told my wife what I saw and she STILL couldn't see it. She did see a bit of a bulge but she REALLY had to look to notice.

As for the C&R, I think the first guns I'll buy are a M38, 44 or 91 (anyone with opinions as to which I should get are welcome to pipe in here) a Yugo and a CZ-52 (IIRC that's the one I see a lot of that is C&R). Plus some ammo, of course :D
The only time I've spotted someone carrying was because of the 2nd Amendment T-shirt he wore. I saw the shirt and looked closer. Taught me never to wear one of those shirts if I wanted to go unnoticed.
Congrats on your C&R - and welcome to the poor house. I'd recommend you grab a Yugo SKS 59/66 (or two or three) if you don't have one yet - you can still find some unissued ones if you look...for about $150. Excellent firearm and it comes with about 10 pounds of free cosmoline :)

You also may want to look for an Argentine Sistema - It's a full size .45 1911 made in Argentina on Colt equipment - all parts are interchangeable with modern Colt parts. Going rate for those now is $400 (if you're way lucky) to $500+ depending on model variation & condition.

Again congrats and if you need any C&R forum links pm me and I'll shoot you a list.
SKS first - they go quick. Then a Mosin M44, if you want the bayonet, or M38 if you want classy lines - I have an M38 and love it. Then grab up a CZ52. You can have an entire gun battery , semi auto rifle, bolt action and handgun, for $300.....:D :cool: :)
Taught me never to wear one of those shirts if I wanted to go unnoticed.

makes me wonder if the Molon Labe hats get noticed. I've worn mine since I got it, whenever Mr. Correia made the last batch. I've had all of three people ask about it. One was a THR-er, at a gun show. For the other two, I explain about King Leonidas and the Spartans, and they think I'm a history buff.
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I would start buying British/Commonwealth Enfields. I bought M-N 44s and other stuff. I then started buying smart.
"Taught me never to wear one of those shirts if I wanted to go unnoticed."

"Makes me wonder if the Molon Labe hats get noticed."

Answer: Yup, by the cops. Like wearing a flashing neon sign that says "could be carrying gun". Same with NRA shirts or caps and bumper stickers about "cold dead hands" or "driver reloading." I know, free speech and all that, but why ask for trouble?

Neat cop approach was to the guy who was getting out of his car and let the back strap of his shoulder holster show through his suit coat. The cop reportedly said, "Excuse me sir, do you have authority to carry a gun or are you wearing a brassiere?" The answers were "FBI" and "No" in that order.

Liberty, MO

Don't you mean 7.30 on the clockface?

Yeah... :D

Mind your own business!

Heh...I business is knowing who is armed around me :D. Unfortunately most of the time I'm in condition white...bad habit :(

I saw those enfields on Aimsurplus. The ammo is expensive. I'm trying to keep this cheap :D
I can only speak for the 91/30, but I sure get a warm fuzzy holding it every time I watch Enemy at the Gates.:)

I'm sure I'll have a 38 and or 44 eventually, though.
Geeees...... for a moment I thought you were going to tell me that you "just saved a lot of money on your car insurance".
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