under 21...

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Dec 1, 2006
So, I am under 21 and would like to get my FOID card. My girlfriend goes hunting with her father and I decided that I would like to go with her and shoot some time. Now my question is, how might I go about asking my father (who is against guns) to sign my application? In my mind, I am screwed...I don't know.. :banghead:
If you are over 18 you are of legal age to purchase long guns.

You are also of legal age to be in the military and serve your country, so I don't understand why you would need your fathers signiture to get this FOID card . (which must be a state thing ?)

With that said, I guess you have no ulternative but to ask your father wether there is any circumstance that would allow him to sign off on the FOID papers ?

If he says no, then I guess you indeed will have to wait until you can do it on your own.
The only problem is, my dad is really religious and to him; guns = death..

I have a 21 year old brother that I am talking to about getting guns and shooting with me at ranges as a kind of bonding/fun hobby. We will see where it goes. I will hope for the best.
What religion? I know several priests and ministers who enjoy hunting and fishing. Is he Christian or Jewish? Both religions are full of examples of religious figures killing animals for food. I suppose some forms of Hinduism and Buddhism forbid the killing of anything, but only the most extreme believers follow it.

Often, religion is used as an excuse to cover a fear or insecurity about weapons. Show your father a high level of responsibility, enroll in a hunter-safety course, and have an informed and level-headed talk with him. After a few initial talks, try inviting you g-friend's father over so he can further convince your dad that you will be safe and looked after.

Be patient and don't get angry, but remember that some people refuse to change their minds. If so, you'll just have to wait until you are on your own. Talk to you girlfriend about going to college in a firearms-friendly state (or just move and get a job). In most states, an 18 year old can walk into a store and buy a rifle reguardless of what their parents say.
Luke 22 about verse 23 or so.

If you don't have a (Then version of a gun) sell your cloke and buy one. (Jesus)
Peter: Look Lord, here are 2 swords
Jesus: That is enough.

There are MANY biblical pro defense... passages. Do a search...
Luke 22 about verse 23 or so.

If you don't have a (Then version of a gun) sell your cloke and buy one. (Jesus)
Peter: Look Lord, here are 2 swords
Jesus: That is enough.

There are MANY biblical pro defense... passages. Do a search...

Oh man.....I got the topic for the next thread.

If you could only have TWO guns...what would they be? :D

I hate to say it, but if you live with your parents its their rules. Just tell him you want a rifle. Always call it what it is. Never call it a gun. Gun sounds bad to a lot of people. Say you want a small one. Jokingly show him a .50 BMG and say, "this is what I want." Then quickly tell him you are kidding and show him what you want. It doesn't matter if its a 300 WIN, its gonna look small.
I just ( a couple of hours ago as a matter of fact) walked into cabelas to LOOK at guns at walked out with a .22. No one even asked me if I was 18. I just turned 18 6 months ago and I get carded buying tobacco ALL the time.

But the funny thing is I couldnt get the cabelas credit card because I wasnt 19 but I just bought a gun. :confused:
Don't press you father, that will make him harden his position as a matter of pride. Just talk to him a couple of times in a reasonable manner. Stress how responsible your girlfriend's father is, and enroll in a hunter safety course to prove that you are responsible. Eventually you will wear him down. Have fun, and be safe.
"What type of ID did you provide?"

None! Absoutly none. I was kinda suprised they didnt ask me! I even told the guy I was buying my first gun. Then he handed the rifle to some other lady and she got my info, I then went and applied for the credit card (got denied:mad: oh well I have no credit anyway) then went back and paid for the rifle.
A FOID is to own your own firearms in Illinois. You don't need to own your own to go shooting when the lady's da shoots. Ask him to take the pair of you shooting. He'll likely be tickled pink. Not that he'd tell you that though. You buy the ammo and bring lunch, if you can. It's not exactly a steaming hot date, but you will likely find that her da will see you in a whole different light.
Worry about your da and the FOID later. There's no sense in getting into an arguement with your da over it.
A FOID is to own your own firearms in Illinois. You don't need to own your own to go shooting when the lady's da shoots. Ask him to take the pair of you shooting. He'll likely be tickled pink. Not that he'd tell you that though. You buy the ammo and bring lunch, if you can. It's not exactly a steaming hot date, but you will likely find that her da will see you in a whole different light.
Worry about your da and the FOID later. There's no sense in getting into an arguement with your da over it.

You need a FOID to buy, sell, or POSESS in IL. Exceptions are for minors. If he's 18, and gets caught with a gun in his posession w/o a FOID, he's in deep poop.
None! Absoutly none. I was kinda suprised they didnt ask me! I even told the guy I was buying my first gun. Then he handed the rifle to some other lady and she got my info, I then went and applied for the credit card (got denied oh well I have no credit anyway) then went back and paid for the rifle.

Meaning no disrespect but I have to call BS here. Having bought guns at Cabelas before, the folks that do the 4473's have checklists and must have one other person see what they do.

There's no way you bought a rifle at Cabelas in Ft Worth and didn't show any ID.

and she got my info

And you just told her your name and address?
"And you just told her your name and address?"

Name, adress, price of the gun, phone number, and I think thats it. I dont recall ANYONE asking me how old I was. I was kinda on cloud 9 ( I did just buy my first rifle) but I really dont remember fumbling in my wallet to get my id. I asked my g/f if she remembers anyone asking me for id and she said no one did. So I dont think it was just me not rembering.
Name, adress, price of the gun, phone number, and I think thats it.
No offense, but what you just described is illegal and there is no way that Cabelas (or any other reputable dealer) would do that. You forgot the part where buying a firearm from a retail storefront requires that the buyer fill out a three page Government form and go through a mandatory Brady background check.

Sorry - I ain't biting.
Just to clarify Illinois law.

You cannot even touch a firearrm in Illinois unless you have FOID card. The only exceptions to this are:

1) You are at a training course with a ceritified instructor (e.g an NRA type training, NOT my buddy is teaching me to shoot).
2) A minor (under 21) under the immediate control (Read: within arms length) of a vaild FOID card holder.

If you are under 21 your parent or guardian must sign off on the form to allow you to get you FOID card. Yes, it's a stupid law.

You'll have to take the Hunter's Ed course since you were born after 1 Jan 1980, unless you get the one-time Apprentice Hunter Licence, then your GF's Dad has to be with you (or someone else with a valid Hunting Licence) when you're hunting. Have your GF's dad talk to your dad about taking you hunting and then explaining FOID requirement.

Noob, If you have any questions send me a PM and I can further explain Illinois goofy hunting/firearms laws. I teach Hunter's Safety Ed, so I'm real familiar with rules and regs here.

If you can get your dad to go the Hunter's Ed course with you, all the better.
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Well now that I think about it. I didnt acutually BUY it yet. I put it on layaway and put $30 down. Do you think they would make me fill out all that junk when i go to take it out of the store, as in BUY it?

Sorry to hijack!
Well now that I think about it. I didnt acutually BUY it yet. I put it on layaway and put $30 down. Do you think they would make me fill out all that junk when i go to take it out of the store, as in BUY it?

Well yes, actually they will.

They will hand you a Form 4473 and a pen, you will fill out the first page and sign the second.

You will show them proof of ID and age, they will go of and make a phone call to the NICS center. If that comes back OK they will finish filling out the form and you will get your rifle.

Money changing hands isn't important, nor is lay-away a purchase.

When the firearm changes hands you will most certainly go through this process, and at Cabelas they are EXTREMELY careful and double check everything.

That said, for whatever reason you have decided to be quite dishonest. Here is your quote from the other day:

Well ive been itchin to get my first gun. I wanted it to be a .243. So today we went to cabelas in ftworth to LOOK at guns. I walked out the door with a .22 savage with scope for $99.99 + tax

So you walked out the door with a lay away receipt? This is The High Road, no one here will make fun of you for not having a gun, but everyone here will expect some kind of reasonableness (is that a word?) and honesty.
Ok well thx for clearing this up for me!

And when I said I "walked out the door" I didnt mean literally. But I guess I worded it wrong. SORRY!
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