USA: "Report Finds Gaps In Firearm Laws"

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Dec 24, 2002
Looking for a cow that Queen Meadhbh stole
from the Washington Post
Report Finds Gaps In Firearm Laws

Rules May Leave Opening for Terrorists

By Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, May 20, 2003; Page A02

U.S. gun laws can easily be exploited by international terrorist operatives, who can obtain assault-style firearms or explosives by taking advantage of delays and loopholes in the federal gun control system, according to a Congressional Research Service report to be released today.

The report found that government agents who conduct background checks on prospective gun buyers do not look at international terrorist watch lists routinely used at border crossings and airports.

In addition, federal law allows foreign visitors to the United States to purchase firearms after they have resided in the United States for 90 days, and makes it possible for terrorists to stockpile "long guns" and explosives without triggering any notification to law enforcement, according to the study, requested by Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.).

"Foreign terrorists could exploit, and appear to have exploited in limited cases, the general availability of firearms in the United States to carry out terrorist attacks," the report said.

U.S. law enforcement and intelligence officials have warned since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that operatives affiliated with al Qaeda and other terrorist groups have sought to take advantage of the availability of firearms in the United States.

An al Qaeda training manual recovered by U.S. forces in Afghanistan urged followers to "train for jihad" at U.S. firing ranges and shooting clubs. Since the Sept. 11 attacks, the FBI has arrested a Michigan felon who purchased weapons at a gun show for the Hezbollah terrorist group and a Seattle man accused of seeking to set up a firearms training camp for al Qaeda in Oregon.

Lautenberg, who has introduced legislation aimed at keeping suspected terrorists from obtaining firearms, said in a statement yesterday that the Justice Department is not taking the threat seriously enough.

"After 9/11, Americans stood in long lines at airports giving up their toenail clippers, while the Bush administration has done nothing to prevent terrorists from acquiring military-style weapons and explosives," he said. "If we are serious about shoring up homeland security, we cannot ignore this any longer."

Justice spokeswoman Barbara Comstock said she could not comment on the congressional study without reviewing it. But she said Attorney General John D. Ashcroft "is making gun prosecution of all kinds a top priority. . . . Anyone who has a gun who's not supposed to have it, we're working to identify them and prosecute them and put them in jail."

Andrew Arulanandam, a spokesman for the National Rifle Association (NRA), said he could not comment on the report because his organization had not seen it.

The study by Congress's research arm comes amid considerable debate on Capitol Hill over other gun control issues. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) predicted last week that the GOP-led House will allow a 1994 ban on semiautomatic assault weapons to expire next year, despite President Bush's longtime support for the measure. Lawmakers are also considering legislation, supported by the NRA, that would offer new legal protections to businesses that sell and make guns.

A study released last week by Americans for Gun Safety, which favors stricter oversight of gun purchases, said federal authorities ignored most gun crimes and rarely prosecuted gun traffickers or corrupt gun stores. Justice Department officials disputed some details of the study and said gun prosecutions had increased significantly under Project Safe Neighborhoods, a federal initiative announced two years ago.

The congressional study to be released today details nearly a dozen loopholes or gaps in federal firearms laws that terrorists could exploit. Several of the issues identified in the report center on the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, which is designed to prevent felons and other prohibited purchasers from obtaining firearms.

According to the report, the system does not include a check of terrorist watch lists maintained by the State Department. Law enforcement officials said they hope to rectify that problem soon and said they already check the names of gun buyers against other databases that include terrorists. The report also found that, because the background checks are based on names only, terrorists can easily circumvent the system by using false identification.

The study's author, analyst William Crouse, also noted that Ashcroft has advocated destroying gun records immediately after a legal purchase, rather than retaining them for audit purposes, and forbade the FBI from searching purchase records for suspected terrorists after the Sept. 11 attacks. Ashcroft has said in both cases that he was seeking to uphold the Brady Act, which created the system.

© 2003 The Washington Post Company
The report found that government agents who conduct background checks on prospective gun buyers do not look at international terrorist watch lists routinely used at border crossings and airports.
So, let's just enact another law that further restricts the rest of us from buying/using what we want instead of having these monkeys refer to a list, right? What a load.

"Law enforcement officials said they hope to rectify that problem soon and said they already check the names of gun buyers against other databases that include terrorists. The report also found that, because the background checks are based on names only, terrorists can easily circumvent the system by using false identification"

Soooooooo, lets just put barcodes on everybody's foreheads, or better yet, implant a microchip at birth so the alphabet soup bunch can track your every move, because EVERYONE has the potential to be a murderer, terrorist, rapist, baby killer, sniper, cult leader, oppressor, etc. etc. :rolleyes:
You mean loopholes like being allowed to purchase the component parts of basic explosives? Like many household chemicals?
the FBI has arrested a Michigan felon who purchased weapons at a gun show for the Hezbollah terrorist group

Horse manure. Pure, unadulterated horse droppings.

Libya, Syria and Iran have Soviet-supplied weaponry coming out their collective ears, and they'll donate the weapons - free of charge - to any terrorist group who asks nicely.

Uncle Fidel Castro will not only donate weapons, but for a negligible fee, will smuggle them into the United States - or anywhere else.

If they absolutely, positively have to buy guns, instead of having them donated gratis, Yemeni market places sell full-auto AK-47s for the equivalent of 75 dollars American. No gun laws in Yemen, no problems with cops, no border crossing complications.

Same in Somalia, Afghanistan, Baluchistan, Chad and most of the bloody Third World.

Hitching a ride into any ex-Soviet Republic and flashing some hard currency to a starving ex-Soviet military commander will get you your choice of weapons, and you don't have to cross that annoying Atlantic Ocean. Hell, drive a Ford into Ajerbaijan or Armenia and you can trade it for a Rifle Company worth of Things That Go Bang, and they'll probably throw in some Makarovs to sweeten the pot.

So, would somebody tell me why Hezbollah would spend $500-$800 for each semi-auto AK-47 clone, plus having ATF looking down their necks, plus having to smuggle them out of the country, when they can get the REAL THING just down the block for free, or less than 100 dollars American and they can walk home.

Jumping Judas Priest on a flaming pogo stick! Are the gun-grabbers actually this dirt-eating stupid?

And what role did Senator Lautenberg, play in the creation of the legislation he finds fault with.

Otherwise, why would "terrorists" pay elevated prices for "imitation" assault weapons, when the world is awash in the real items? Doesn't make much sense, does it?
Lawdog, I'll trade you two chickens and a sack of grain for your RPK...
Two chickens and a sack of grain? Do you realize how much profit that would ...


In the spirit of a completely hypothetical discussion/creative articulation, of course.


Lautenberg, who has introduced legislation aimed at keeping suspected terrorists from obtaining firearms...

The real "suspected terrorists" that leftist extremist wants to prevent from obtaining firearms are ordinary law-abiding American citizens. He doesn't care one way or a dozen others about Islamic terrorist savages.
If you read this w/out thought to political motives, the clear message is that we have plenty of safeguards, the BATF is simply not doing their job (too busy hassling AR-15 owners I guess).

I love the suggestion that al-queda would set up training camps here. Ask any US resident arab how uncomfortable they are at a range now! I can just imagine coming upon a group of towelheads training in a remote location like OR or VT. I think the good ol boys around here would be massing a counterstrike within hours!:D
If they did, Tam, the supreme court would rule that terrorists didn't have to answer because of the self-incrimination rule...
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