Using Anti's tricks against them

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Kharn: Reagan almost vetoed the FOPA because of the MG ban, he signed it only after the NRA told him the ban could be easily defeated in court and that they still wanted it to become law.

I guess Reagan shouldn't have taken the NRA's advice then. Maybe the NRA should have considered their advice before they dispensed it as well.
Why do you assume that a machine gun ban would have been included with the AWB or that it would have passed had it included the machine gun ban?

I assume that because it defies logic not to. However, I will be happy to hear any alternate universe scenarios you wish to propose where a Congressman is willing to vote FOR a ban on semi-autos for the general public; but changes his mind when a machinegun ban is added because that is just too far.

If the votes are there to ban semi-autos, the votes are there to ban machineguns.

If you want to apologise for Reagan's gun grabbing, be my guest, but don't try to blow off the things Reagan did by saying that someone in the future might have done them too.

I don't apologize for anything I have no responsibility for. My point was simply that FOPA offered a lot of protections and it was worth the MG ban to gain them, especially considering the future bills Congress would pass in the 90s.

Here are a few protections you enjoy as a result of FOPA:

Mail order ammo
Gun shows
Private sales of firearms
The right to transport your legally owned firearms across states like California without being arrested.
Due process for FFLs

Now if you would have been happier taking your chances with an MG ban in 1994 and no FOPA protections, I guess we will just have to disagree.
Hey Bart,

You're thinking is practical, especially relies on reality, and uses way too much reasoning for some on this web site. You're dealing with some on this site who preach casting a vote in the Lucy-in-the-Sky-with-Diamonds column. (AKA Liberterian party :D )

For some of you sillier guys who are too young to know the sublimal message of that old Beatles song, extract the first letter from each noun in that songs name, put em together, and see what drug you've been weened on :p . Every time I read a rediculous rant from one of this sites dreamers, that song automatically starts going through my mind, and I can't help but start chuckling to myself. It would be funnier and easier to laugh at however, if Kerry and the Million Dollar trial lawyer didn't look as though they could very well win by a few votes!

Well Bartholomew, there's a number of sensible folks on this web site. Glad you're one, as your input is very helpfull.

Vanishing Breed
VaniB., please explain to me how anything is going to change by continuing to elect the same people, and expecting that they will do anyting different?

I dont remember where I saw it, but I once saw the definition of insanity as "doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result".

Every year, the RepubliCONs get a little further left, and the Democrats get even further left. By continuing to aid either of them, you give legitimacy to their behavior.

Eh, but what do I know? I lost all faith in the system back in 2000, when I wasnt allowed to vote because I was active duty military, and havent taken part since then.
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