Very disappointed in Catholic Charities USA

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Me too, but likely not our first "disappointment" with them. They are just people, not God - forgive them for their ignorance. Besides, this may pale in comparison to what has been done in His name over the broader history of the Church. Wonder which CC office started this - possibly a Northeastern large city?
Don't know, I am currently in the RCIA heading towards joining the Church, but in the last few weeks, I've seen more and more of this, including statements from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, about taking ALL handguns away, as far back as the 90's.
Which none makes sense if we were to go back to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (which is basically the breakdown of Catholic Beliefs and how they apply to modern day issues, like abortion, the death penalty, and guns/self defense.

Here is the section refering to the churches official stance of self defense

It seems as though all institutions in the USA have been undermined by leftwing extremists for a long time, so it`s not surprising that some churchmen and members of the flock have strayed very far off the true path.
I think all denominations have been undermined to some extent and some congregants have been completely subverted.
Almost any institution that gets big and successful gets infused with liberals, because it's a safe place for lazy people to hide.
You may want to find a charity like your local food pantry or clothing ministry or a feeding center to support with the money you would donate to Catholic Charities. They are somewhat sensitive to a dropoff in donations.
My church's national organization, the UCC, is anti as well...very disappointed, but god is god and the church is a bunch of people, who are as fallible as any other people.
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