Vice President Cheney Signs Congressional Brief in Support of Heller

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Apr 27, 2007
Statement From NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre And Chief Lobbyist Chris W. Cox on Vice President Dick Cheney Signing Congressional Amicus Curiae Brief In D.C. Gun Case
Friday, February 08, 2008

On behalf of four million NRA members and 80 million American gun owners, we would like to thank Vice President Dick Cheney for his strong support of the individual rights view of the Second Amendment. Today, in his capacity as President of the United States Senate, Vice President Cheney signed on to the congressional amicus curiae brief affirming the individual rights view of the Second Amendment. As Americans, we are grateful and fortunate to have a friend of freedom in the Vice President.

Led by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), bi-partisan majorities of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives - in fact, the largest number of co-signers of a congressional amicus brief in American history - filed a strong brief in support of the individual rights view. 55 members of the Senate and 250 members of the House co-signed this brief along with the Vice President of the United States. This landmark brief argues that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual, fundamental right to Keep and Bear Arms; that any infringement on this right should be subject to the highest level of constitutional scrutiny; that D.C.'s categorical ban on handguns and self-defense in the home is unreasonable and unconstitutional under any level of review; and therefore, that the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit's opinion in this case should be upheld.

We would also like to thank the other parties who are filing briefs in support of freedom, including other pro-Second Amendment individuals and organizations, as well as an overwhelming majority of state attorneys general.

The NRA stated in its brief filed yesterday that "In adopting the Second Amendment, the Framers guaranteed an individual right to keep and bear arms for private purposes, not a collective right to keep and bear arms only in connection with state militia service." We remain hopeful that justice, freedom and the will of our founding fathers will prevail at our nation's High Court.

"I like the guy. I just wish he'd take Hillary hunting!"

Yakov Smirnoff
Gotta love Texas Monthly, a group of New Yorker's pontificating on things Texan.

As we say down here, "I'd rather go on a hunt with Dick Cheney, than for a ride with Ted Kennedy!"

Gotta love Texas Monthly, a group of New Yorker's pontificating on things Texan.

Wally, on what do you base that? Michael Levy -- the founder -- is certainly a Texan (and an interesting speaker), and the few other writers I've met who've worked for them have been Texans as well -- including a friend of mine whose family goes back to the original land grantees of the land around San Antonio. Now, that's a small sample, but they're sure not *all* New Yorkers ;)

(They turned me down for a low-level job several years ago, but I try not to be bitter ... I probably wasn't nearly as qualified as I thought I was, though, and it's probably for the best.)

It's about time Cheney did something with a gun we can be proud of.

Or for that matter something we can be proud of period.
Gotta love Texas Monthly, a group of New Yorker's pontificating on things Texan.
Wally, on what do you base that? Michael Levy -- the founder -- is certainly a Texan (and an interesting speaker), and the few other

I based it on reading the masthead in 1973 when I moved from New York to Texas. I've never looked back!

It can be amusing to read if you don't take it seriously.

I give Cheney a lot of credit. The man is reputed to own a couple hundred full autos. He knows damned well that a victory in Heller could easily lead to the repeal of Title 18, Section 922(o) - the '86 machine gun ban - and thereby substantially devalue his collection. Yet he still supports the common man's RKBA.

More than ever, I wish he'd been the 2000 nominee, and Bush his Veep.
While Cheney is reputed to own a lot of machine guns, it's also said that many of them are the latest European models, suggesting that he is a different class of citizen than the rest of us.
... is reputed to own ... it's also said ... suggesting that

Pretty damning accusations, even stronger than "it might be ... he could have ... my barber's third cousin's distant relative thinks she heard" but not quite as strong as "I think I read somewhere ...."
At this point methinks much of the legal machinegun's value comes from sheer collectability. Values as collector's items far exceeds their value as arms per se. While Cheney's machinegun collection is reputed large, I suspect we're not talking beat-up Mac 11s or well-used Uzis, but premium copies of rare and desirable safe queens.

922(o) has done its damage: a generation of then-modern weapons has simply not been, and those aged copies have value because they are old & rare, not because they are particularly useful. If Cheney chooses to use a machinegun for home defense, I doubt it will be a 25+ year old one.
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