Voting in November and the 2nd Amendment

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Sep 8, 2005
Here's an interesting perspective.

Hugh Hewitt notes that the Senators we elect will have a strong impact on the Supreme Court of our generation, since several justices are quite old. He writes: "The current court majority is anti-property rights and pro-terrorist rights; hostile to the unborn and gun-owners; confused on racial quotas and a host of other issues."

Now that's phrased from his political POV, but I think he's on the money with what he says. Justices' opinions could impact the Bill of Rights that we care about, a lot more than legislation, either direction.
The current court majority is anti-property rights and pro-terrorist rights; hostile to the unborn and gun-owners; confused on racial quotas and a host of other issues
Wow I'd choke on such a big mouthful of weasel words. :D Seriously "pro-terrorist rights"?
I think the "pro terrorists rights" comes from the Supremes' recent decision that people captured in Afghanistan and Iraq, who are not US citizens, who are battlefield detainees, must be given lawyers and be given trials, just like US citizens.

I think that's exactly what "pro terrorists' rights" means.

"Do we really think that a government-dominated education is going to produce citizens capable of dominating their government, as the education of a truly vigilant self-governing people requires?" - Alan Keyes

Wow, ArmedBear. I just saw your Alan Keyes quote and it was so profound I had to give a thumbs up for offering it to us. Sometimes the simple truths aren't spoken aloud.
Yea I know. And Stevens is 85. To out live these Senators he will have to make it past 91 on the bench. I don't think Ginsberg will make it 6 more years. Just a thought. There is nothing more importand to the 2nd amendment than the USSC. They can put the hurt on us. But if the worse happended I think there would be a new Amendment to the Constutition that would be explicit about owning firearms. The majority of the country by a large margin believe they have a RIGHT to won firearms. But I want conservative Judges just to hope we do not have to face that hurdle.
I would take a principled Libertarian Judge also. Just not a liberal or moderate.
And I doubt that a serious libertarian movement will catch on until something really bad happens to destabilize the government. Come to think of it, the People's Democratic Party in control of congress and/or the presidency might get that particular ball rolling.
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