wast of money by army

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That is a dumb post because he doesn't even know what the weapon is he is talking about...not to mention they started testing that thing a year and a half ago. Its called an Active Denial System.


The point is for crowd control. If you go into a city and have people throwing rocks and other stuff at you, you can't go shooting them for that because it will end up on the evening news as a massacre. If you just make them feel like they are burning up in an oven for one second (which is all it takes to bring a grown man to the ground), you can proceed without charges of war crimes.
I don't want to start a pissing contest with you but the story about the Active Denial System was on the news yesterday it showed reporters in the line of fire and they reported it made them feel warm in their tummies, in all fairness they did say very warm. I think the idea behind the post was that the Military developed the weapon with its share of our tax dollars. If they want crowd control weapons let the justice department pay for it. I do realize that the military is being used for police work in many cases, instead of what they were intended for but if they get back to the job they were meant to do, this wast of money will not help them. Although maybe they can cook chow with it
I guess we need to choose our weapons as to what will look best for the evening news, maybe the paint ball idea would work better just don't use red paint balls it might upset someone.
Do you really think it wise if we "smoked" a bunch of reporters and turned the thing up full blast on them?

I'm not into the "less lethal" stuff either. It might have a use, but pretty limited in my mind.

However, a LOT of DOD money gets spent on stuff since the Congress wants it to happen and they write in into the budget that way. I forget what year, but in the last 10 the DOD was either the #1 or #2 funder of breast cancer research.

Saw an article the other day that the Army is funding the Nature Conservancy and other enivormental groups (through the Congress's mandate) so they can buy land around the Army post to protect it from developement.

My point is, the Army is usually not the one who decides that this is the way to spend "it's" money. It's the Congress. So vent on them, and not those in uniform.
Now I thought this was a rare use of our defence funds but if you look on line you find several weapons being developed not to kill, not to main, not to destroy the enemy but to incapacitate them.

Depends on which 'enemy' they are planning on engaging..
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