Water damaged ammo -- help

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this is the reason that the ancient wise men of the military aresenals put sealant on primers and bullets whenthey made ammo. Seems a good idea to keep water out.

Still its a good learning lesson. and youll get great training in dealing with failure to eject or fire on your auto pistol.
Chartwell said:
I'm also going to get a bullet puller, as suggested in this thread. And I'm working out how to make sure this doesn't happen again through a combination of storing up higher and with watertight ammo cans, both as suggested in this thread (the problem is a lack of good space).

Would love to get further feedback from you all on this.

I would bet that the shotgun rounds are toast, but just take a sharp knife N dissemble a few for a look, it isn't difficult.

Steel shelving, with sealed plastic ammo cans will protect the ammo from future floods, but depending on the volume of water influx have you though about a battery backed up sump pump system?
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