What an Exhilarating Day!

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Feb 18, 2007
NE Ohio
Wheh! My brother and I spent about 8 hours casting ingots from scrap wheelweights, and same from scrap linotype. We did about 230 lbs of wheelweights, and 180 lbs. of linotype. Bro did about 130 wheelweights yesterday, and has about another 80-100 lbs of linotype to do another day. Banging out this much, while waiting for stuff to melt, shaking out the ingot molds, letting stuff cool to store, etc, takes it out of you. Anyone else spent time lately casting, etc?
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Well good for you! Its been abut six months since I cast any slugs and longer than that since smelting. I cast a bunch at one time, usually for a couple three days, to last me a while.
I only do about 20 lbs at a time here and there. Currently have about 200lbs in ingots and another 150lbs in wheelweights. Will probably get another 5 gallon bucket full of ww in a few weeks and start working my weight through them all this winter.
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