What kind of handgun is this soldier carrying?

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Wrong again.

Im still sticking to the trigger/grip group from the MG.
there is NO way they'll "let" us have those! And I can see SWAT REALLY going for 'em: load the chamber with some form of "lockbuster" shell, and be completely ready to rock...

Hmmm... something like that might be interesting for trap (or at least get odd looks)... :evil:

Can't say I know what's in the holster in the original picture. However, my first thought was "how quickly could you actually access it?". Think I'll go with the flare people on this one...
Im still sticking to the trigger/grip group from the MG.

Stick with what you want, but once again, that's not what it is. Go look at a the trigger group of either an MG-42 or an M240, and come back and tell me that's what you think it is. (Hint: a pic of the whole gun is not the trigger group. It is a flare pistol. This is why there is a flare in the spare mag pouch of the holster.)
Tamara is correct (again).

That is a flare pistol. you clearly see the brass base of the extra shell in the photo. It's right next to the uncocked hammer.

But yes it does resemble an MG42 grip.
Damn.....I suppose I do see the extra flare in the pocket, and the hammer now that Im forced to. When I first saw the pic, my mind instantly said MG42...dammit.:uhoh:
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