What would Kerry do?

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Just Kerry? Well assuming we still managed to elect 6 new pro-gun Senators while at the same time electing one of the most anti-gun Presidential candidates to ever run, we wouldn't be in too bad of shape since Kerry would be gridlocked with Congress to some degree.

AWB would probably get renewed because they just didn't need to flip that many votes and a President has a lot of power to bargain with. Although Kerry may have let the AWB expire and then use the friendly press and political capital to bargain for an "international agreement" to abide by the UN Small Arms program being discussed this April 2006.

If (more realistically) pro-gun voters stayed home and Kerry won as well as several anti-gun Senators, then we would be looking at a lot bleaker picture.

Having said all that, the important difference between 2004 and 2008 is that there was a clear cut difference on guns. If the Republican candidate in 2008 is a Bloomberg, McCain, Giuliani, etc. then there is no clear cut difference (unless the Dems choose a pro-gun candidate). Right now the Republicans will be lucky if they get a single vote from me in 2006, if they run their proposed lineup in 2008, I don't care how bad the other candidate is, I am either staying home or voting third party.
To know what Kerry would do, all you have to do is look at his history of supporting socialist totalitarians. Kerry tried to stop our resistance to all the Soviet/Cuban insurrections in the Caribbean and Latin America. Kerry opposed the Cold War and said that "we can't fight Communism everywhere in the world". Kerry sided with the North Vietnamese and Pol Pot, even denying that they killed millions of their own citizens.

So, Kerry would probably restore Saddam (a Stalinist) to power. With Iran, I would say that the Left usually criticizes those that are safe and keeps quiet about those who are dangerous. I would predict that Kerry would blame the Iran crisis on the USA and to say that only unilateral disarmament will make us safe.

I'm not a Republican, but I'm not insane either.
On the Smoking Gun website, they showed a copy of John Kerry's demands for food and supplies that his staff sends to hotels prior to his stay. It's pretty "fruity" and I don't mean as in fruit. He requires some weird stuff.
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