What you need to know about Batons

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Jun 13, 2005
South Florida

I have been interested in purchasing a baton but have come to the realization that I must know the laws in places of such weapons before I go ahead and purchase something.

Do you need a CCW to carry one? I am in Florida, where can I find out if a regular law abiding citizen can have one?

My questions may seem rather dumb, but I am unaware of how this weapon is used, considerd by states, and what rights one has in purchasing and owning one.

Thank you in advance.
2 uniform stores and several cops told me they were illegal in michigan without a police ID. Uniform stores don't want the liability of selling you one, and cops typicaly don't know or care what the law is on these things, but they figure they're all set if they tell you you can't have one. Bottom line is, people are stupid, but your local DA isn't. Talk to him or her, then order one from the internet. Worked well enough for me.
I guess I will try to see if I can speak to a police officer or the DA. I am not sure how I will be able to go about this but I guess I will give it a try.

Anyone else have any ideas on how I can find out if they are legal or not in the state of Florida and if you need a permit to carry one.

Man I can't believe that thtere are some states, or so it seems, that don't want you carrying one. What about a bat then?
For the purposes of this section, concealed weapons or concealed firearms are defined as a handgun, electronic weapon or device, tear gas gun, knife, or billie,

Get a carry permit.
I live in PA and carry an ASP baton at times. I believe it is considered a prohibited offensive weapon per the PA crimes code. I choose to carry it since I have an extensive background in Escrima and it can be a useful tool to have at my disposal pending the situation. It's another tool in the toolbox, but knowning how to use it is critical, most stickfighting techniques can be carried over easily, so training is key.
Telescopic batons have now been outlawed here in the UK.
I used to have an ASP but after my last car wreck, I got carted of in an ambulance and a few days later when I went to the wrecking yard to recover my belonging from my car 'IT WAS GONE??':confused:
It was either taken by someone in the yard or an LEO looking for a spare.

It may have been replaced with an ASP copy before the ban took place but I can't quite remember ;)
I still carry a telescopic baton,that is fitted in a belt holster.They are somewhat easier to conceal than a nightstick.I also managed to acquire cs gas and mace spray,from friends in the army-so I feel fairly confedent about being safe.

I still have a copy of the Stringtown Supplies,magazine from 2000/2001,where everything from an asp,and US rubber cosh,to a nightstick,etc,were displayed on the front cover of the magazine.

A few canisters for riot control can go missing from time to time.:) :)

However I must be careful on the CS and restrict its usage to only dangerous encounters with nutters,or I could get busted for using it.
I assume these are not legal for carry-on under TSA rules...

You assume correctly. My wife had to give one up the TSA. They were very nice about it and asked her to take it back to the car saying they hated for her to have to toss it, but in typical fashion she had waited until the last possible moment to get to the airport and didn't have time. She called me for advice and I told her to tell the TSA guy, "Happy Birthday", and give the thing to him as a personal gift instead of letting it be tossed in the drum.
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