When and where to cut patches.

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Aug 16, 2005
Between Maid-Rites and Maple Syrup; North of Sweet
Okay, so I'm getting ready to try out my new front stuffer, and I have a question. When I cut my patch material, when do I do it, and where? Specifically, do I start the ball and cut the material even with the top of the muzzle, just a head of the ball (moving the knife perpendicular to the bore), or should I just sit the ball in the muzzle and trim the material off around the outside of the muzzle?

Finding pre-cut patches in the middle of a city is a pain in the neck.


the short starter drives the ball just below the crown of the muzzle...then a knife is passed over the end while holding the excess patching taught...that's all
You can also get a punch and precut your own, or even use scissors and make square patches. Many folks cut at the muzzle and it's a traditional method. I'm too lazy for that so I precut my own.
Even Lazier

I bet a real lazy man would just order pre-lubed patches on the internet and have them delivered to his door. Hey wait a minute, that sounds like me. :)
Oh, I'm definately that lazy! The problem is I'm also quite cheap! I shoot too many of them to order them precut anymore. :)
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