Where do you get you blades for knife building?

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Nov 14, 2012
Northern CA (the good part)

I have a hankering for putting a knife together and wanted to know where people get their blades from.

I am looking for a simple but utility blade with either a drop or clip point.

I figure I get myself a decent blade and throw on a handle, but I am not sure where to start.
I think I am looking for high carbon, 1095, D2 or even 1075 (I guess).

I found this one in D2:
but will be the first to admit I am not sure what makes a good steel and how to find reputable manufacturers.

Any help would be appreciated!
Easiest to start with a full-tang knife, rather than a stick tang. Try Knifekits.com for a good selection.

If you have a shop or a garage, why not forge your own? It's easier than you think and far more rewarding.

Go to a pawn shop and buy an old file to bang out. You won't be disappointed
http://brisa.fi/ - Finnish site (I know, I know...), but with lots and lots of good blades - from cheap stamped carbon steel puukkos to some hand forged Damascus beauties. Lots of handle materials and all other goodies also. Do take into account that when you log from the US, the prices shown will be without VAT.
Ive used files, leaf-springs, and blades off my dads woodmizer sawmill. The leaf spring knives/swords ive made were oxy/acetylene torch cut and straightened, so i quenched and tempered under the assumption that the vast majority of automotive leaf springs are 5160 steel. A file you can just grind to shape, but keep it cool or youll ruin the temper
I made a few knives using cheap blanks purchased on ebay. Since these were exercises on how to do something, it didn't make sense to spend a bunch on materials. Practice makes perfect. I made about three cheap knives last year. All them scream "don't quit your day job". But for me it was fun to try my hands at something. I don't have many tools for metal work, my work was mostly on how to finish them up.
There are a lot of places to pick up good knife blades, as others have mentioned here. Another avenue that I have used is to buy a good knife and re-rip it... Cold Steel knives with the kraton grips and KaBar with the leather or kraton grips are both decent basic blades that can be re-gripped. One option that has worked for me in the past...
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