Where do you shoot?

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Nov 17, 2007
For those of you who don't know, I live out in the middle of nowhere and LOVE to plink. I've been doing it since I was five years old with my father and it's a great way to enjoy myself/relieve stress/practice with my guns/hang out with dad.

Here's the problem:

We drive down to our regular spot and see that the land bordering it is posted. We kind of just figured that it wasn't going to be a problem since the land we were actually shooting on isn't. Well, I was reading today in the PA Game Commissions magazine thing that lists all the rules for hunting and, apparently, the only way to legally target practice is at a rage, on your own property, or on property where you have permission to do so. :banghead:

This upsets me because I don't know who owns what or how to even contact them. I can't shoot on my property because there are too many houses nearby. And the worst part is that there aren't any ranges close or anything (seriously, I checked), so my best option is to shoot in the woods (I basically live out in the middle of nowhere).

I found a spot of land that's open to the public (my friends and I hunt there) and I'm beginning to think this is going to be the best place. The thing is, I don't want to be inconsiderate to hunters that could be using the land. Does anyone have any solutions?

P.S. I'm poor and couldn't start my own range.
Remember the 4 rules is about all the advice i can give.

We live out in the sticks and part of our wooded area is in a gully. So we go down to the bottom and shoot into the bank (from bottom to top im estimating 45-55 feet). The only problem it thats its very short-distances, maybe 30 yards. Theres some feilds i have permission to go to (my bosses) and ive guesstimated that from the backstop (8-10 ft high bank) to the farthest distance without crossing a road is about 850 yards. Thats where ill do my longer range stuff when there are no crops out. I need to go down by our range and clear it out to 100 yards and build a good target holder.

This is our setup. Hope you can find some useful info! Good Luck!
I haven't gone this route yet, but check your states department of natural resources. Here in OH, ODNR has outdoor ranges that are 5 bucks for a day pass. You can also buy a season pass for dirt cheap
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