Where is our "Piers Morgan"?

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It's amazing that John Stossel got away with what he did when he was on ABC. He routinely had pro-gun presentations on 20/20. Everything he presented was completely the antithesis of the network. That's probably why he eventually ended up on Fox, but he doesn't really fit in there either with his very consistent 2A message.

Piers Morgan already tried to interview Ted Nugent, thinking he was an easy target. Ted Nugent cited FBI figures and out-yelled the yelling Piers.

Piers Morgan invited Jesse Ventura figuring he would be an easy target since Jesse dabbles in conspiracy theory. Jesse Ventura got the entire audience to agree with him and Piers ended the interview shortly thereafter.
It's amazing that John Stossel got away with what he did when he was on ABC. He routinely had pro-gun presentations on 20/20. Everything he presented was completely the antithesis of the network. That's probably why he eventually ended up on Fox, but he doesn't really fit in there either with his very consistent 2A message.

Piers Morgan already tried to interview Ted Nugent, thinking he was an easy target. Ted Nugent cited FBI figures and out-yelled the yelling Piers.

Piers Morgan invited Jesse Ventura figuring he would be an easy target since Jesse dabbles in conspiracy theory. Jesse Ventura got the entire audience to agree with him and Piers ended the interview shortly thereafter.
I loved that interview. Turned his own audience against him and left him without words. Jesse did awesome, and continues to do awesome work.
Alex Jones? Really? The craziest guy in America that doesn't have a diagnosis is who they choose to represent gun owners? That's like asking Hitler to debate family planning.

Good thing they don't have an agenda.
Just sit back and think for a moment. Why do the antis use someone like Piers Morgan?

Answer: He's a sensationalist. In other words, he's the town clown. A big mouthed loser who basically got kicked out of his own country for saying and doing stupid things.

He'll do and say whatever it takes to get attention. After all, what other profession is there in which you can get away with making irresponsible statements, spreading misinformation and half truths and get paid for it (besides being a politician)?

Right now he has enough sense not to bite the hand that feeds him but CNN may come to regret their association with him.
Normally I don't watch CNN. It disgusts me. But I went and watched the Piers vs. Alex episode on youtube, and I have to say that I liked Alex a lot. Finally, someone who displays for everyone what the PEOPLE are actually feeling. Now, I wouldn't want to have Alex Jones negotiating for us at the proverbial "table" with the other side, and I think Jones could change the volume level and the speed of his presentation. However, I found it interesting how Piers Morgan simply could not respond to the facts that Alex Jones brought up and kept trying to go back to the "gun murders" in the UK vs. the US.

In the end, this will unfortunately be spun into "look at Alex Jones, he's crazy." He didn't seem crazy to me. Loud, certainly. But more energized than crazy. If he were a bit more settled down he would be much more effective, but I kind of like his zeal.

Overall, I wish we could get some younger more passionate people into government and into public life, instead of the decrepit wealthy tiptoeing backstabbing gerontocracy that seems to dominate these days. It seems like we have one extreme or the other to choose from and not much middle road.
I would not want a "Piers Morgan" on our side.

And there are petitions in England to have the home secretary deny Piers Morgan re-entry to U.K. if the petition in the U.S. to have him deported were ever successful.
I don't understand the moral high ground he has when the UK has a higher crime rate than France, Germany, or Norway who do allow guns. They also have an assault and rape rate double that of the US. Their rate of drug crimes is also 300 times that of the US. Where is the morality is saying I would rather see more home invasion robberies and rapes than to allow people to exercise the right to defend themselves. Its sick if you ask me.
Thanks Jon! :) That was exactly the point Alex Jones was making, and the point that Piers Morgan refused to respond to.... the higher overall crime rate in the UK, instead of the misleading "gun crime" numbers in the US.
I'm not sure I like being compared to Alex Jones but I will say that even a blind squirrel gets a nut once in a while.
Piers Morgan invited Jesse Ventura figuring he would be an easy target since Jesse dabbles in conspiracy theory.

'conspiracy theory' is code for 'someone that questions the prevailing viewpoint or government version of events'. It's as bad as the liberal media using the phrase 'assault rifle'. In fact, they use both ad nauseam to get everyone to baaa like a sheep in unison.
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