Which "large" cities do not frown upon open-carry?

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though i agree much is lost by carrying openly, i also agree much can be gained. the more people carry openly, the more others will see that a large cross-section of law-abiding citizens support and exercise their 2nd amendment rights. by carrying concealed, i would feel i was trying to hide something because it would scare or upset those that are unfamiliar with firearms. i can see it from both ways, but i feel we are losing our rights so fast in so many states that keeping our guns concealed only hastens the process by which antis can incrementally take our guns away.
In TN, restaurants which serve alcohol are off-limits. Other states might have other exclusions. For that reason, concealed is often better. However, at least in Nashville, carrying openly at a gas station or a restaurant which doesn't serve alcohol gets no second glance from anyone.
Originally posted by Oleg Volk
In TN, restaurants which serve alcohol are off-limits
I thought is was only places of business that made more than half it's income from alcohol. Meaning, O'Charlie's, Applebee's, etc... were ok to carry, but bars, pool-halls and such were off-limits.

I'll have to look that up again when I get home. :confused:

I saw quite a few people open carry by the Alamo.

I asked a cop if that was legal, and he said "Actually, good question, I'm not too sure.. But I'm not about to arrest someone for carrying a gun in front of the Alamo!!" :p

So whatever the laws, always exceptions..

I believe you are confusing TN law with Texas law regarding establishments that serve drinks. The 50% rule is TX law (and some other states) but is not the case in TN.

There is a proposal before our august legislature to allow permit holders to carry in places that serve, but we'll have to wait and see.
Drjones, this is not flame at you, but if we gun owners don't start carrying openly, how will the numbers ever change?

No offense taken, and I agree with you.

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