why lord why do people get so offended

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Dec 26, 2002
When they are reminded about safety? Was shooting at Bull Run today and this guy shows up with his 20 gauge 1100. Beautifully carved stock and foregrip. And he had a Browning Gold Hunter which he apparently just bought. I asked him if he comes here often, he replied negative. However, he made sure to follow up quickly with a "but I've been hunting since I was 10." Good thing. Wouldn't want me to think that this poor shooting you're about to do and unsafe handling isn't something new.

He starts out comparing his Browning to my rental Browning. Meanwhile, the trapper (is this the right term? I'm going to use it) is staring down the barrel. Looks at me and we both shake our heads. He reminds the hunter to "treat guns as if they are always loaded."

"But it isn't loaded, and I know that."

Trapper reminded him that the trapper had no idea it wasn't loaded. He looks at his girlfriend perched cutely on the bench, offers a series of snorts, grunts, and headshakes which I guess must indicate that he has the silverback here. We get joined by two more gentlemen who are were remarkably unremarkable in that they shot and followed all the rules without reminding.

Before we shoot, I remind the trapper that Hunter isn't wearing goggles. Trapper points this out to hunter. Hunter shakes his head and says "I'll be alright." He takes the glasses since I guess the trapper wasn't starting until Hunter was wearing some. Hunter offered another series of glances and headshakes at girlfriend whose olive complexion was now mixed a bit with red. She had informed me earlier that she was here to learn from him. Lucky her.

Hunter for some reason in the middle of the round, decided to load immediately after his turn. Well, standard series of activity. Trapper reminds him kindly, looks at girlfriend, confirms his back is indeed still silver.

It made me feel good that I broke 8 more clays than he did. I think he got second least clays. Maybe that makes me a bad man to be happy about that. But I feel bad for the cute girl who has to learn from this guy.
The Bozo Factor again....

"It only takes one clown to $%^&*( it up for everyone"...

Only by G*d's Grace does this idiot not have a body count behind him. Another case of Testosterone Block.

With a bit of luck, the GF saw what he was and broke up with ____head immediately.
It's hard to say why they get offended but who cares how offended they get when it comes to legitimate safety violations? I work very hard to stay safe and expect the same from others. None of us is perfect however and the only appropriate response to a noted safety violation is "Thank-you, I'm sorry, it won't happen again." "The gun isn't loaded and I know that" doesn't cut it.

I won't shoot with someone not wearing ear and eye protection for no other reason than if they don't care about their own safety I don't believe they concerned are about mine.

There might be some who consider me a "safety fanatic" and I suppose that definition fits but I'd rather not shoot anyone or be shot myself and ALWAYS following the four basic rules ensures that doesn't happen.

It's everyones duty and obligation to remind and cajole each other about safety on the range. I expect someone to tell me if I have made a faux-paux on the range, and I thank them for reminding me, it happens rarely but I appreciate it. I try to be as nice as possible when reminding others, as I am 99% of the time on a shotgun range its mainly about keeping an action open. Occasionaly there is a "silverback" as MJRW so eloquently put it and if they don't listen I just stop shooting and go to the counter and let the management take care of it. As our range is run by the members it is quite possibly myself that has has to do the reminder and "or else". :rolleyes:
It's everyones duty and obligation to remind and cajole each other about safety on the range.

It's hard to say why they get offended but who cares how offended they get when it comes to legitimate safety violations?

Yes and yes.

Too friggin' bad if somebody gets offended. I'm offened when somebody points a gun at me.
Had a similar situation a couple years ago. The poor kid pulling targets was too timid to handle it as were the rest of the guys in the sqaud and I ended up offereing the fella a fistfight, told him if he pointed that gun at me or anyone else again I was gonna do my absolute best to stomp his (posterior) and make SURE he knew to never ever forget where his muzzle was. The first two reminders were friendly, the third reminder was firm. The fourth reminder was his last. He left, the rest of us were safe, never seen him again. I have a little patience for people that are not as concerned with safety as I am, but not a lot. Get beligerent about it and all bets are off.

When in the service I issued weapons to the security teams for drills and alerts. One fella returned his weapon to me (M590) muzzle first twice and was absolutely clear that I would not tolerate it when I was done talking to him, the third time he went to base medical to have his nose set. That rubber recoil pad is NOT very soft at high velocity. The weapons department boss had seen BOTH infractions prior, witnessed the "counseling" the young man recieved, and witnessed the butt stroke on the third occasion. It was never even brought up as a potential problem for me, and EVERYONE knew they had better toe the line with weapons. Even new guys were warned by the others and it never happened again.

I could care less if you use eye protection or ear protection, you are on your own if you want to hurt yourself. Risk the safety of others and I am all over you like a dirty diaper...
Exactly my sentiments after visiting my range on Labor Day. A man with a son, wife, and son's GF set up to shoot pistols with me in the rain under the shelter. The man allows one of his pistols to sweep me while handling it, and I say "Don't point that anywhere near me." He says "OK...You're making me nervous." Me: "I'm just telling you the safety rules." Him: "OK, but you're making me nervous." Not only was this imbecile acting unsafe and offended, he was getting accusatorial, as if I was acting threatening. Other than that we were polite to each other, and the son was acting safe.
eh, i hate it when someone sweeps the line with their "unloaded" gun, and i start yellin "whut the f are you doin?" and they look at ME like I'M the crazy one. then range officer tells em not to do it again or they're gone
"It only takes one clown to $%^&*( it up for everyone"...
Too true. And not just at the range, but in general. You just know this guy stopped at the bar or restaurant after this and started in on a loud conversation on what a gun stud he is and how he had to put up with those "wusses" at the range. The unbiased general public within earshot went home leaning a little more to the anti side, and the antis within earshot went home more entrenched in their belief that gunowners really are a bunch of yahoos.
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