Will guns ever be made illegal to own?

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in the Rochester news is another two shooting deaths each and every day (EVERY DAY!)

Methinks you're exagerating slightly. That's 720 murders a year involving firearms in Rochester. Plus any beating deaths, knifings, etc. 2004 only had 36 murders listed for Rochester. http://rochesterny.areaconnect.com/crime1.htm 54 murders in 2005 (39 by with firearms). http://www.rochesterdandc.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060108/NEWS01/601080316 Surely there hasn't been a 2,000% increase in murders in the last 2 years.
Yes, we're making progerss, but we can't let up. Over in the UK there's a group that would like to make olympic pistol shooting legal there again. Not IPSC, or paper shooting or anything else, just Olympic pistol shooting.


My observation was that they would have better luck lobbying for CCD, since olympic shooting comes under the ministery of Sports (!) and self defense is a general public safety concern.

Over there, NRA membership costs about 3 times what it does here, and they aren't allowed to lobby, as they've registered as a charity, and thus get some government funds, which they would otherwise lose. I suggested that they contact the GOA about setting up a similar umbrella organization to lobby for them.

Feel free to drop on over and lend support.
Methinks you're exagerating slightly.

Of course I am Car Knocker, but every day as of lately there has been a rash of shootings. The violence is really escalating in Rochester. This is good stuff for those mentally disturbed people known as antis'.
I think Zund's list is right. Us gunowners have finally started to gain a little traction.

I believe both the pro and anti groups are playing a game of inches, like football, pushing the ball toward one endzone or the other. They aren't going to relent, so just because we had a few small positive pushes, doesn't mean we should either.

That's why I disagree with number 6's reading of the UN proposal regarding firearms looking only at the proposal as it currently stands. Their comments and suggestions in confrence shows me that the current move is just step 1, and that they desire more steps later. That's why I do like it when us gunowners get up in arms at the beginning. Say NO to the UN, say NO to waiting periods just for the purpose of waiting, say NO to gun registration, because all these are just the tip of the iceburg
As I see it, there most certainly is a push to criminalize the private ownership of firearms here in the USA. However, it's a battle of attrition and a battle of the mind. If those who control the media can convince the public majority that firearms are inherently evil and that only "official" people should own guns, then the majority public will do the work of banning guns. It's a battle that is being pre-emptively fought by convincing the citizenry that, in a nutshell, the government is inherently good and that we as people can't or shouldn't inherently look after ourselves. In short, we are being brainwashed.

It's happenning on-screen all the time, and not only in the movies. The example of the Rochester news repeatedly reporting on gun murders, without giving any counter examples of gun self-defense, is a fear tactic, used to instill in people the idea that guns are synonymous with murder. The brainwashing is happenning in schools, at both the K-12 levels and the collegiate level. As another poster pointed out, a student who shapes his hand as a gun can now be expelled from school. This sends the definite message that guns are bad and wrong and anyone who pursues them will reap swift, detrimental consequences.

Don't be fooled - there are those who wish to control us, we the people, and are taking decided steps to do so. I believe the UN is a glaring example of how those who wish to control are seeking not merely a country, not soley a continent, but an entire planet, piece by piece. It is a war, it is insidious. It is largely a battle of the mind. Be aware and awake. I know this post sounds dire, but I am firmly convinced of what I've written.
The only way that firearms would ever be illegal to own would be if by some chance an ultra-anti was elected President, Persuaded Congress to repeal the Second amendment, and allowed the United State's at the urging of the UN, to join the Ranks of Britan.

All of which are very unlikey. The way that I see it we are more likely to see more Restictions on guns,(i.e. as was it was under Clinton.) then ever actually coming to the point of a total ban.
Can Congress repeal a Constitutional Amendment without a National referendum??
Can Congress repeal a Constitutional Amendment without a National referendum??

They did repeal prohibition with a second amendment.

I doubt we'll get an amendment taking away the right to bear arms. Congress will regulate guns more, require people to register, raise fees, prohibit certain types of guns, and make it more difficult to own guns. It would require both houses to be liberal and the president to be liberal. I don't think it could pass if either house had a republican majority.
I doubt we'll get an amendment taking away the right to bear arms. Congress will regulate guns more, require people to register, raise fees, prohibit certain types of guns, and make it more difficult to own guns. It would require both houses to be liberal and the president to be liberal. I don't think it could pass if either house had a republican majority.

As the party lines continue to blur, you're gonna be mighty surprised someday methinks.
Incrementalism is what got us where we are today, and instead of bitching and moaning about how "this is futile...they will eventually get our guns...boo hoo" we need to go on the offensive ... start pushing for the incremental dismantling of the BS gun laws on the books.
I don't see any meaningful dismantling of gun laws ever happening - can you imagine the leftist/socialist furor if there were, say, a movement to do away with GCA '68?

I was dumbfounded that the Clinton gun ban actually did sunset - I fugured somehow the antigun bigots in Congress would keep it alive.
IMHO the most dangerous threat to the Second Amendment is actually already in the US Constitution.
I am speaking of the Eighteenth Amendment. You know, "Control of Intoxicating Liqours"?
18A was REPEALED by the Twenty-First Amendment. Interesting point of law because it opens the door for ANY Amendment to be repealed by a following Amendment
Yes, the 18th amendment was repealed by the 21st amendment. The 18th amendment was not a part of the Bill of Rights, though.

IMO if Congress were to try to repeal a part of the Bill of Rights, it would not go over as easily as the 21st amendment did. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I think.
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